Hello and welcome to my philosophy website.
My name is Zero Contradictions, and this place is a hybrid between a blog for my own writings (highlighted in red) and a compendium of external links to works by different authors that have influenced my own philosophy and/or are worth reading (highlighted in blue) as well as links to videos, channels, or audio recordings (highlighted in green).
If you click one of the links in the navigation bar, then the page will scroll down to that section (which will be in one of the three columns for displays that are at least 800 pixels wide).
Unlike the homepage, this directory page only lists my own essays and works, as well as a handful of other works that are hosted directly on this site.
The number of asterisks (***) inside each link (if any) indicates what I personally consider to be my most original or most important works. I'm more proud of those pages than others.
If you want to report any typos or broken links, ask questions, give constructive criticism, make volunteer translations, suggest links to add to this home page, or make a donation, please reach out to me at my contact page.
As per its name, the goal of this website is to create the most rational philosophy ever with Zero Contradictions, or to at least do my best at that.
In a single sentence, my philosophy is based on rationalism and understanding the implications of the subject-object dichotomy and applied evolutionary theory, among other things.
Addressing the common misconceptions and implications of race, race realism, race-mixing, and ethnostates from a biological realist perspective. Race realism is a scientific position that acknowledges evolutionary differences and does not imply racism nor tribalism.
The only ways to avoid overpopulation are mass death or low birth rates (population control). Overpopulation is otherwise inevitable. Once there's overpopulation, it's game over for civilization.
Reproduction licenses are the most reasonable and effective way to implement eugenics. Laissez-Faire Eugenics protects human rights and will be necessary to sustain modern civilization.
Libertarianism and Anarcho-Capitalism are unsustainable, incompatible with human nature, and they fail to understand the nature of freedom and civilization.
Objectivism faces the same problems that most philosophies do: it neglects the implications of the subject-object dichotomy, as well as the implications that evolution, biology, and game-theory have for humanity.
These are mostly intended to be a set of follow-up questions that people may ask after reading: What is Morality?
Explaining the following and so much more: Addressing the problems, technicalities, and theoretical implementation of Georgism, natural resources taxation, and the implementation.
Demurrage currency could potentially solve many problems in society.
This document would be written and formatted better if I wrote it myself, but it does have comprehensive rational arguments for supporting gun rights nonetheless.
This sequel essay elaborates on the causes of fake academic research and other types of unproductive research: plagiarized, redundant, out-dated, and useless. My solutions for fixing academia are to require a minimum age, overhaul funding with a bounty system, and an improved social structure for organizing research, among other things.
An overview of Sapir-Whorf theory, gavagai semantics, classical conditioning, selective attention, and examples where language influences thought and vice versa.
Free Will and Determinism are best understood via subject-object compatibilism, spatio-temporal envelopes, chaos theory, and materialism / physicalism. Multiple definitions and arguments are given to clarify the main misunderstandings and implications of physicalism.
This is a classification scheme for knowledge that I came up with that I sometimes reference in my other blog pages, mainly because the terminology is convenient to use.
Axiology studies the nature, properties, rationality, judgment, and ranking of values. Axiology has implications for ethics, game theory, and political philosophy.
Originally, I wrote most of these epistemology pages as I was trying to form and write my own understanding of epistemology, independently of other people as a young college student in his early 20s. Discovering Blithering Genius's content caused my theory of epistemology to fundamentally and substantially change. I had already put in so much effort in trying to theorize and write about epistemology, but I also didn't want to display my ideas that I no longer endorse, so I edited all these pages to reflect a more accurate and complete understanding of epistemology. As a consequence, many of the ideas presented on these pages are not original ideas that I thought of by myself, but I consider the pages with more asterisks next to them to be more original and unique from other people's works.
If it is confusing to read and navigate any of the epistemology pages, it's due to how they were created, and since I now mostly lack the desire to edit or improve them much further. I don't think it will be worthwhile to expand or finish writing most of these pages since my understanding is still subject to change, and since I think Blithering Genius's next philosophy book will probably be substantially more comprehensive and better written than anything displayed here. Nevertheless, if anybody wants to read these pages anyway, they are free to do so. Every reader should understand that it's better to recognize these pages as collections of thoughts of varying quality and originality, as indicated by the asterisks.
This page features a response to Why We Need to Talk about the Right's Stupidity Problem by Nathan Cofnas. It goes on to talk about the origins and rise of wokism, the nature of discrimination, the origin of diversity equal representation, racial "oppression", transgender people, etc.
Wokism is motivated by emotions, mental gymnastics, and propaganda more than anything else. It's absurd to believe that wokism is driven by rationality. The justifications for systemic racism and demographics quotas have irreconcilable contradictions. The cultural hypothesis is more reasonable than wokism.
This page lists the main problems that are caused by increasing or adopting new technologies, as well as my thoughts on AI, peak technology, and speculations about the collapse of modern civilization.
This analysis compares climate change with overpopulation, pollution, and other environmental problems. Climate activism is moralized, ineffective, and counter-productive. To solve environmental issues, we'll need to reduce fossil fuel consumption, switch to nuclear energy, tax natural resources, and reduce population growth.
Democracy exists to enable societal compromises. My proposal is to overhaul it with a system that emphasizes meritocracy and sortition. This page also analyzes other reforms to democracy, First-Past-The-Post (FPTP), parliaments vs presidencies, different democratic procedures, redrawing state boundaries, and big tent strategy.
Libertarianism is unsustainable, incompatible with human nature, and it fails to understand what freedom is and why/when it's desirable.
Some musings for defining an ideal government's political philosophy and legal code, and the best solutions to the game-theoretic problems that every society must face.
Some musings about geopolitics that follow some basic principles and observed history. All competition ultimately stems from competition for scarce natural resources. Defense, law, and order are the first duties of a state. Geography shapes the battlefield. Peace can only be secured by preparing for war.
An overview of possible space colonization technologies, with questions and answers about O'Neill Cylinders.
r/K selection theory uses misleading terminology and fails to identify causal mechanisms for observed patterns in nature. An analysis of the cause of deaths in populations offers greater explanatory power than Differential K Theory.
Arctotherium wrote "Human Reproduction as Prisoner's Dilemma". This response explains some misconceptions and fallacies that are present in his essay.
Some musings about evolution, memetics, and biology. All the thoughts in this file are grouped together under one page because I didn't have enough to say to make them separate posts in their own right.
This page explains how I created this website using Emacs org-mode, CSS, an HTML template, and other tools. I also give some advice on writing, copyrighting, licensing, SEO, and some tools to use.
I use the Colemak keyboard layout, a ZSA Moonlander keyboard, Linux Mint Xfce, GNU Doom-Emacs, and FOSS software whenever possible. I argue that Emacs offers the best brain-computer integration experience there is, with our current technology.
An overview of Sapir-Whorf theory, gavagai semantics, classical conditioning, selective attention, and examples where language influences thought and vice versa.
Language phonology can be modeled using set theory, string theory, combinatoritcs, finite-state transducers, and calculus-based statistics. When I have more time, I plan to make a major expansion to this paper to talk about more modern and complex models of phonology.
The effects and implications of adopting an Universal Auxiliary Language (worldlang), and why it would be a better solution than universal translators.
Heuristics for recognizing pronunciation, spelling, syllables, morphemes, grammar patterns can identify the etymology of a language's lexicon with high accuracy.
The traditional system for classifying language typology conflates many different morphological characteristics into a 1D or 2D spectrum that does not descriptively characterize language morphology. I explain the more modern approach to classifying language morphology, as well as my own similar system of parameters for classifying language morphology.
Logographic writing systems draw their advantages from linking meanings to writing, rather than sounds to writing, as a phonetic writing system would. From a linguist's perspective, they both have their strengths, and neither is better than the other.
Heisig's Method is the best way to learn Hanzi and Kanji since it separating the learning process into two phases: memorizing the characters themselves and their semantics, and learning how to pronounce the characters and their various connotations.
Many foreign language teachers and English speakers are unaware that English has subjunctive verb conjugations, which is one reason why many English speakers struggle with using subjunctive conjugations in foreign languages. This page gives many English examples to help with this.
Explaining Georgism and the Georgist Theory of Property, the benefits of land value and natural resource taxes, Georgism vs other economic ideologies, etc.
The Georgism movement used to be fairly popular during the Progressive Era from the 1880s to 1920s. However, the rising dominance of the automobile, mortgage loans, Keynesianism, and the Cold War era Capitalism-Communism dichotomy all contributed to the decline of Georgist activism. And now we have to endure a century's worth of successive mistakes.
This essay debunks chapters 6-9 of Henry George's Progress and Poverty. It proceeds to explain an interesting and coherent connection between Georgism and Population Control. Both concepts aim to conserve natural resources that exist in fixed supply.
In many cases, it's useful to have a single rating that works as a general measurement for multiple specific measurements overall. These sections explore the fairness, validity, and implications of this concept.
This page has miscellaneous thoughts and musings that I have on economics that don't fit in with other pages. The main theme is proposing economic solutions for improving labor efficiency and preventing market failures, planned obsolescence, and monopolies. I also critique LVT-funded UBI and its effects.
David Graeber's Bullshit Jobs is Western-centric, it doesn't address rent-seeking or broken incentives in Academia, and it doesn't have any solutions to the problems with UBI. Most importantly, it doesn't propose any solutions to problems of cooperation.
Laying out the foundational economic theory behind Georgism, and illustrating how unequal land distribution depresses wages. (Downloadable Infographic)
Government Policies Enable Rent-Seeking, Untold Economic Inefficiency, and Lower Living Standards (Downloadable Infographic)
How Land Speculation, Mortgages, and Banks Cause Real Estate Bubbles and Recessions (Downloadable Infographic)
A visualization of all the positive feedback loops that would result from implementing a Georgist Economic Policy.
The evolution of my personal philosophy over the years.
Efilism is self-defeating and unlikely to succeed. The Efilist mindset is based on ignorance, rhetoric, and unquestioned assumptions like hedonism and altruism.
The causes of (male) homosexuality are not fully understood, but one possible cause that hasn't been explored very well is intestinal pathogens. This essay details the reasons in favor of this hypothesis, and how it's more compatible with evolutionary theory than other hypotheses.
My response to RatWiki's Pragmatosphere Article, as written by LiamM32 / Electric-Gecko.
Someone tried to persuade me to switch to the carnivore diet, so I wrote this essay as a rebuttal.
Quarantines have successfully contained many diseases. They could've contained COVID-19 during its earliest stages, but it's dubious that they would've worked as late as March 2020.
If humanity had to start over and decide the best standards, units, and measurements for everything in an ideal world, these are what I propose.
Most modern shoes cram the toes of our feet into pointy toe boxes. This ruins the natural shape of our feet, it atrophies the muscles for moving our toes sideways, and it negatively affects the muscles that we use to walk. Everybody realizes that foot-binding is bad, but we don't realize that we've been micro-dosing it.
I used to work at Jersey Mike’s for a while as a shift-lead and I’ve made thousands of sandwiches, so I compiled a list of helpful notes and tips to help me do the job more efficiently.