The Implications Of Adopting A Worldlang

The Benefits of Optimized, Neutral, International Communication

1. What Is A Worldwide Auxiliary Language (Worldlang)?

Lingua Franca
A language that people who do not share the same native language use to communicate with each other, particularly when it is a third language that is distinct from both of the speakers’ native languages.
Constructed Language (Conlang)
A language whose phonology, grammar, and vocabulary are consciously devised for some purpose, instead of having developed naturally.
International Auxiliary Language (IAL)
A language intended to be used by people who do not share a common language. Also known as Auxlangs. It may a lingua franca or a conlang.
Zonal Auxiliary Language (ZAL)
A conlang made to facilitate communication between speakers of a certain group of closely related languages. Also known as Zonal Constructed Languages. They form a subgroup of the international auxiliary languages, but are intended to serve a limited linguistic or geographic area, rather than the whole world.
Worldwide Auxiliary Language (Worldlang)
A constructed auxlang that is created to facilitate communication between people who have different native languages. Worldlangs are typically designed to have phonology, grammar, and vocabulary that is easy to learn by second language (SL) learners.

2. Viable, Well-Constructed Candidates For A Worldlang

  • Pandunia is a worldlang that has been designed by Risto Kupsala since 2007.
  • Globasa is a worldlang that has been designed by Hector Ortega since 2017.

Both languages have great similarities in phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, and it is debatable which is better. However, Globasa has a larger community and more texts and translations. There are other worldlangs that have been proposed.

2.1. Historical Lingua Francas

2.2. Why isn’t Esperanto suitable for being a worldlang?

There are multiple problems with Esperanto. It’s too Eurocentric, its grammar isn’t as simple as could be, it has unnecessary diacritic characters, its vocabulary for advanced words isn’t very consistent, its word class syntax is sometimes confusing. Many creole languages fare better on these characteristics.

It’s true that Esperanto already has a sizable community with an estimated ~65000 active users (most accurate estimate), but if a worldlang is going to have greater success and appeal across the entire world, then it needs to be less Eurocentric, so it’s better to start over.

The only language that is objectively easier to learn for anyone, not just speakers of related languages is Indonesian.

Maybe, but not necessarily. Indonesian has complex honorifics, and its highly agglutinative morphology is a huge challenge for learning it, especially when a myriad of new words are being created every single day. The spelling, pronunciation, and grammar are pretty easy, but one should not underestimate that actually learning it is easier said than done. Another thing to consider is that the vast majority of the world’s population doesn’t speak Austronesian languages, so they would be completely unfamiliar with Indonesian vocabulary.

Personally, I’d say that Tok Pisin is the easiest language in the world for me to learn, since I’m a native English speaker and since Tok Pisin is an English creole. I once spent 10 hours learning Tok Pisin, and after that, my comprehension of Tok Pisin was already similar to my intermediate comprehension of Spanish, which I had studied for 4 years. A Tok Pisin based worldlang might be a good idea as a potential worldlang, given the current popularity of English.

2.3. Why would adopting a worldlang be better for global communication than English?

A constructed worldlang could have a more rational design that’s better suited for the modern world. Most languages are emergent socially constructs that weren’t planned out. Most of modern civilization wasn’t rationally planned out either, since it arose from a set of collaborative and emergent caruses that each supported each other. Building a rationally planned constructed language to be the world’s lingua franca could be an additional step towards creating a more rational civilization.

  • Most humans don’t speak English (~5-6 billion), and it would be easier for them to learn Globasa, Pandunia, or something similar instead.
  • English has a more complex spelling, grammar, and vocabulary that takes more time to learn.
  • English has a lot of silent letters, which can slow down reading speeds by decreasing the speed eye saccades. An efficient auxlang with no silent letters (or fewer depending on slight dialectical differences) could be created that would make it faster to read, write, print, and learn stuff. The amount of time and ink that it saves would add up over time.
  • English is not politically or culturally neutral, from a global perspective.

I’ve argued that the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is clearly true when the hypothesis and theory are clearly defined and explained. So, it’s largely pointless for logical languages to prove or disprove the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. There is thus no reason to make up random vocabulary that makes logical languages harder for a majority of the world’s population to understand than need be.

My main interest regarding constructed languages is to build a universal worldlang, namely for aesthetic, economic, and efficiency reasons. I also have some interest in logical languages, so my ideal conlang would be an international auxiliary language that also functions as a logical language. At the same time, I also believe that the logical syntax of the language shouldn’t make the language too much more difficult to learn, so conlangers would need to find a reasonable balance between these priorities.

3. The Consequences And Implications Of Adopting A Worldlang

  1. There would be more international and intercultural communication.
    • The main people that would be excluded from the worldlang would be uncontacted humans, and humans that are deaf or hard or hearing (they would be able to read it, but not speak it).
    • Sign languages would probably be unaffected by a spoken worldlang because sign languages offer advantages to deaf and hard-of-hearing people that a spoken worldlang could never offer.
  2. There might be fewer translation costs for companies and governments around the world, which might save money and significantly lower the need for interpreters. However, AI could change this.
  3. It would be easier and cheaper to publish books, websites, movies, videogames, and other media to a wider international audience. This might lead to fewer media being published in natural languages.
  4. Linguistic minorities would be somewhat less economically and educationally disadvantaged, as well as less isolated from the rest of the world. It might also discourage discrimination against minorities.
  5. It would cause the world to have a higher number of interracial marriages and mixed-race children, thus causing new races to appear, while the populations of the original human races decline faster (than without a worldlang).1 For more information, see: The Effects of Race-Mixing on Humans.
  6. Minority and endangered languages might become more endangered or climb closer towards extinction if the worldlang becomes the dominant language, unless they continue to maintain high social and cultural prestige within their cultures (depending on how the worldlang is implemented).
    • The only minority languages that would definitely not be threatened by a spoken worldlang would be sign languages and uncontacted human languages.
  7. Languages from all over the world would likely borrow more vocabulary and adopt some similar syntactic structures from the worldlang, thus making languages more similar to each other. This would be akin to how so many languages are borrowing vocabulary from English.
  8. Conversely, the worldlang would borrow more vocabulary and syntactic constructions from languages all over the world, thus becoming even more representative of human languages.
  9. The worldlang could dominate discourse in the scientific communities, if it supplants English.
  10. Code switching might arise in communities that were traditionally monolingual.
  11. Cultures that were traditionally multilingual might speak fewer languages if it became really successful, unless the culture valued the multiple languages so highly that it continued to learn and speak them afterwards anyway, in addition to the worldlang (if it were adopted in that community).
  12. If the Latin alphabet is the most commonly used writing system to write the worldlang (it’s the most likely candidate), then there would be a higher international recognition of Latin Alphabet characters, if the worldlang was used everywhere.
  13. People would on average, know fewer languages.

To a great extent, it’s not necessary to physically/violently force minority language speakers to speak the dominant language of the jurisdiction. If the dominant language is spoken widely enough, most people will be socially pressured into speaking it due to the Network Effect. If we want the worldlang to be widely spoken, all we’ll need to do is to reach the threshold for achieving the Network Effect, and its popularity will be assured.

How long it takes it to replace English (if ever) is a different question. It could be difficult to completely replace English in the global economy and academia, since English is so widely used.

It’s more likely that cultures that are traditionally multilingual wouldn’t see the point in a single unified language, so it would be harder to make inroads with them.

3.1. Is Establishing A Worldlang A Priority For Humanity?

No, and not by a longshot. In my opinion, the biggest problems facing humanity are:

  1. Unregulated population growth.
  2. Unregulated resource consumption.
  3. Global fossil fuel and oil depletion.
  4. Government debt and inflation in Western(ized) countries.
  5. Demographic changes.
  6. Pollution.
  7. Climate change.

It’s not clear how a worldlang would help solve these problems, but I do believe that a worldlang could help with many more minor problems, for an optimal future for humanity. It’s also not clear how a worldlang is something that humanity needs in order to function.

Language is the foundation of civilization. Improving that foundation will create unimaginably huge benefits for the economy, science, technology, etc.

No, cooperation is the foundation of civilization, not language. People who share a common language aren’t guaranteed to cooperate with each other. Likewise, it’s possible for people to cooperate with each other, despite not sharing a common language at all, depending on the context. If language really was the “foundation” of civilization, then how would one explain why people aren’t guaranteed to cooperate with each, even when they share the same language?

A common language is not the “foundation” for civilization, not anymore than agricultural methods, religion, culture, demographics, etc. You don’t need to share a common language with someone in order to be part of the same civilization. There are many translators and interpreters who make it possible for people to cooperate with other people in the same civilization, even if they can’t understand each other.

Civilizations form when people cooperate with other. People cooperate with each other when governments solve game-theoretic problems (murder, rape, theft, vandalism, etc). Language has nothing to do with this. Governments can solve game-theoretic problems among a population, even if most of the population doesn’t understand what the laws are. This happened all the time when Europeans established their colonies all over the world. Europeans established civilization in places that didn’t have it by forcing the native populations to cooperate with the colonists, even when most of the natives couldn’t speak the language(s) of the government or the other indigenous people who had to live under the same government.

3.2. Will Worldlangs Accelerate Human Technological Progress?

Worldlangs have the potential to accelerate scientific and technological progress, due to how they will facilitate higher education and communication between humans all over the world.

I used to believe this too, and I suspect that many worldlangers also overestimate the potential of a WAL to speed up scientific and technological advancements.

First, the ability to be rational and intelligent is not equally distributed among humans. There are huge intelligence differences between humans, especially when they’re from different races. For the most part, the vast majority of the most intelligent humans in the world already speak English or some East Asian languages. Humanity isn’t likely to move forward very far on science or technology, if the more intelligent races of humanity share a common language with the less intelligent races.

(Of course, that’s not to say that I believe in judging people based on their race, or that I’m a racial supremacist of any sort. I am mixed-race, I support equal rights for all humans, and I’ve made my position on equality between humans crystal clear.)

Second, it’s clear that technological progress has slowed down, and is unlikely to increase.

Third, it’s dubious that expanding education would cause significant technological advancements, since the demand for higher education is over-saturated. About half of all college graduates never apply the knowledge that they learned in college, and have jobs that are not related to what they studied. A lot of the research done these days is wasteful garbage.

Read More: A Rational Critique of Academic Research.

3.3. Would A Worldlang Increase Literacy Rates?

Probably not. Intuitively, it might increase literacy rates for speakers of languages that have writing systems that are difficult to learn, or no writing systems at all. Literacy increased in Korea after they replaced Hanja with Hangul, in Vietnam when they replaced Chữ Nôm with the Latin alphabet, and in China when they started using Simplified Chinese characters.

However, the most difficult writing systems to learn in the world are in East Asia, which is also one of the most literate and most intelligent regions in the world. Also, East Asian countries probably won’t ditch the writing systems of their native languages, just because a worldlang uses a different writing system, so they would still have to learn the systems and their high complexity.

For populations that have no writing systems for their native languages, they probably have lower intelligence due to a historical lack of civilization, which would be a greater barrier to achieving literacy than the complexity of any writing system.

It’s also valid to question if it’s worth raising literacy rates at all. All of the uncontacted humans of the world are illiterate and have no need for literacy, and the rest of the connected world implicitly agrees with this since governments have vowed to never contact them. It’s highly debatable what the future of the world’s most primitive and undeveloped human societies should be.

Related: On the Propedeutic Value of Esperanto – Justin Kunimune.

3.4. Could adopting a worldlang have negative impacts on humanity?

It’s possible that an IAL could have unforeseen disadvantages, ones that we won’t know about until after we try this experiment in real life. I’m skeptical that spreading an IAL across the world would reduce cultural barriers across the world as much as its proponents believe. The contact hypothesis is mostly false. Enabling everybody to communicate with each other using an IAL might only increase the number of heated religious, etc arguments across the Internet, rather than unifying the world.

I think that building an IAL would be comparable to building the Internet. The people who built the Internet did so because they imagined that it would have lots of positive consequences for humanity. However, even if we argue that the Internet has been mostly positive for humanity, we can still argue that the Internet has also had unforeseen negative consequences that people did not predict back in the 80s and 90s. I think that building an IAL would have similar consequences. It would be mostly positive overall, but it would also have unforeseen negative consequences that people did not predict. One could try to rigorously, meticulously, methodically think about how an IAL would effect the world, depending on how it’s adopted and what it’s used for, but ultimately, the only way we can know how an IAL would effect the world is if we make it a reality and establish widespread usage.

Another problem is that the IAL would be created because it’s supposed to facilitate all these supposedly great things. That would probably have the effect of making the IAL more valuable than all the existing natural languages. There’s probably also a lot of people out there who feel no special attachment to their native languages in the modern world, including myself. If that is the case, then they might voluntarily choose to not teach their children, their native languages and just teach their children the IAL instead. If that happens and continues, then the IAL may continue to gain their speakers until it becomes the language of a majority of the world’s population or maybe even the entire world. Maybe the IAL could still persist as a purely second language, just as English exist within Nigeria, India, and other countries were English is exclusively a second language. However, it really depends on how the IAL is taught, people’s values, and how people feel about the IAL for their own language.

From a purely logical perspective, there’s no objective reason why we should prefer sharing a common language with the rest of the entire world.

3.5. Who Would Benefit If The World Adopted A Worldlang?

Game Theory Question: Who would benefit if the world adopted a worldlang?

  • Big nations like the US, UK and other nations with English as their national language? Not really…
  • TESOL Teachers? Not really…
  • Teachers of English, French and other national languages? Not really…
  • Professors of all these languages, translators, interpreters? Not really…
  • Multilingual people whose language knowledge is the basis for their profession and income? Not really…

4. Why Universal Translators Are An Arguably Inferior Solution

The main and most obvious advantage to universal translators is that they don’t require the user to spend any time learning and acquiring another language. Given that Google Translate currently serves hundreds of millions of people, it is probably the closest thing that the world currently has to a de-facto Universal Translator. It has fairly decent quality in most cases, and can translate between enough languages to cover a majority of the world’s population.

Update: Recently, Samsung has announced its Galaxy AI that can instantaneously display real-time translated text and audio for phone calls spoken in various languages. This is a new development since this post was originally written, and we shall see if the predictions written here still stand.

4.1. What Would Universal Translators Be Like?

Let’s suppose that a universal near-instantaneous language translator is developed, and that it functions similarly to the Babelfish from The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. It doesn’t exist yet, so we don’t completely know what it would be like, but here is a reasonable prediction for what it would be like:

  • It would be connected to the listener’s ears and listen for non-native languages. When the native language(s) are heard, it isn’t activated.
    • It might even be implanted into human heads far into the future if the technology becomes available and practical. But when it first gets implemented, it would definitely have to be external component.
    • Typing and texting on machines should be easier to implement within existing computer and smartphone software. Content would be sent from the original language to the receivers, and the receivers would translate that into whatever language the computer user(s) understand.
    • It would need a decent CPU and speakers.
  • It would need to instantaneously translate between about ~23 languages to cover over >50% of the world’s population, a few hundred languages for ~96%, and ~6000 languages to cover 100% of the world’s population.
  • Even if the technology for such a thing does get developed, it would probably be far more expensive to produce it on a worldwide industrial scale, than to have everybody learn a constructed worldlang.

4.2. What Are The Downsides Of Universal Translators?

  1. Learning a foreign language has cognitive benefits whereas having a computer translate for you wouldn’t have any cognitive benefits at all.
    • As living standards continue to increase around the world, and people live longer lives, mental disorders that don’t normally appear until the late stages of life (such as Alzheimer’s Disease and other types of dementia) will continue to become more prevalent.
      • Studies consistently show that monolingual people are more likely to get Alzheimer’s Disease at earlier ages than bilingual people, with a difference of five years on average.
      • Having a world of monolingual people who have to rely on machine translations to communicate with the rest of the world would slightly exacerbate the number of people who have Alzheimer’s Disease and such until a cure is developed for Alzheimer’s Disease and other diseases that can be delayed for some years by fluently speaking at least two languages.
  2. If a computer is translating the language that it is hearing to the language that it is outputting through the speakers, there would inevitably be slight delays in the translations since languages have different word orders. For example:
    • Languages that differ in sentential word order among the subjects, objects, and verbs.
      • English versus Arabic/Gaelic/Cebuano/etc (SVO and VSO)
      • English versus Hindi/Russian/Turkish/etc (SVO and SOV)
      • Hindi/Russian/Turkish/etc versus Arabic/Gaelic/Cebuano/etc (SOV and VSO)
      • Et Cetera
    • Languages that differ in noun phrase word order: nouns, adjectives, numerals, etc.
      • English versus Spanish/French/Portuguese/etc (nouns and adjectives)
      • English versus Chinese/Finish (relative clauses)
      • English versus Korean (nouns and numerals)
      • English versus Swahili (nouns, adjectives, and numerals)
      • Et Cetera
  3. It is likely that the only way to avoid the delay that will inevitably occur when a machine is translating languages is if humans eventually have bionic chips installed into their brains that allow them to instantly understand other foreign languages, but at that rate, humans might as well be communicating through some sort of telepathy if we have that kind of technology and that associated level of understanding about how the brain works.
    • There might not be a need to speak spoken languages or sign languages at that point. This would eliminate the language barrier between deaf and hearing people too.

Having everybody learn a worldlang would take time out of everybody’s lives to master until fluency, but it would probably be worth it if the worldlang is easy to learn. On average, it would probably take a couple hundred hours at most, depending on the person’s native language and other factors.

Conclusion: Maybe a universal language translators that is more advanced than Google Translate will eventually be developed in the future for most (or even all) humans languages, but the world will have to wait at least a few decades before that technology became available everywhere, if ever. Until then, a combination of multilingual people, Google Translate, and other AI language translators may suffice for humanity’s translation needs.

5. Why A Worldlang Is Unlikely To Break Into Different Dialects Or Different Languages

It is highly unlikely that an international auxiliary language would break off into thousands of mutually-unintelligible dialects within just a few years.

First off, languages diverge from each other due to isolation. Unless communication between the world’s communities using the worldlang were to suddenly stop for some reason (perhaps due to the collapse of modern civilization), and as long as there is frequent communication between different communities, it is significantly unlikely that there would ever be enough isolation to cause the worldlang to diverge into multiple mutually-unintelligible dialects within a short time period. It is indeed inevitable that there would inevitably be some divergence and linguistic variation among the communities adopting the worldlang. But there would probably never be enough language change to create a dialect continuum, unless significant isolation were to exist between some communities of the world.

Second, the dynamics of the modern era have made lingua francas more resistant to language change than ever for multiple reasons:

  • Literacy: Reading media that was written decades to centuries ago is likely causes people to produce more conservative language (as opposed to modern language), especially since written language tends to be more conservative than spoken language. Written language is also often seen as more formal and authoritative, so there is more pressure to use standard forms of language in writing.
  • Education: Education in a standard dialect also reduces language change, and can even cause non-standard dialects to die out or become more similar to the standard dialect. There are hundreds of examples of this (e.g. Standard Japanese, Standard French, Standard German, Beijing Mandarin, etc). This is particularly true in formal educational settings, where students are taught to use standard grammar and vocabulary.
  • Standardization: The standardization of language through the development of dictionaries, grammars, and language regulators also slow down language change. Since these institutions often prescribe rules for language use and promote a standard form of the language, this can limit the variation and innovation that occurs in spoken language.
  • Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) can also help to correct speed sound disorders and other speech impairments in children (e.g. training children to avoid merging interdental fricatives with labio-dental fricatives or alveolar plosives in English). Interventions like this further help to reduce linguistic divergence.2
  • Media: The media, including television, radio, and the internet, also slow down language change. This is because media outlets are incentivized to use standardized language in order to reach wider audiences and improve their public perceptions, which in turn influences language use in the broader society in favor of standardization.

Thirdly, if this were really a huge concern, then why hasn’t English and other modern lingua francas diverged into hundreds of mutually-unintelligible languages/dialects?

6. Ensuring Resistance To Language Change

The extensive use of written text nowadays probably causes people who live in such societies to use less liberal and more conservative speech production. Since text written decades, or even a couple of centuries ago is frequently being beamed into people’s minds, our minds are less likely to use grammatical structures that deviate from the language usage used when the text was first written. However, since the English spelling system was standardized and has largely not changed for the past 500+ years, pronunciation still changes because the writing system does not reflect sound-for-sound production. Thus, people reading text will pronounce it however they are most accustomed to pronouncing it. There is no way to read written text with a different grammatical structure however since the structure is inherent to the text itself. This means that pronunciation is changing faster than grammar. Language in the modern world can also change as the lexicon changes and new texts are produced and read to reflect those changes.

As an example, almost nobody around my area uses the word “lest” in their English, so I never learned how to use it and how it invokes subjunctive verb conjugations until I was about 17 years old. I started encountering the usage of ’lest’ in older English writing, like Shakespeare’s, Winston Churchill’s, other historical English writers, etc, and with practice, I too, also learned how to use ’lest’ and its subjunctive verb conjugations.

Furthermore, education in a standard dialect also reduces language change, and can even cause non-standard dialects to die out or become more similar to the standard dialect. There are hundreds of examples with this (e.g. Standard Japanese, Standard French, Standard German, Beijing Mandarin, etc).

An analogy to show how a lack of education in a standard dialect would be to compare how the sound of a word changes during the children’s game: Telephone, where children whisper language from one person to the next, and the language gradually changes each time, except that in the real world, the language change would be diachronic (happening from one generation to the next), whereas synchronic variation would occur from traveling from one area to another and the dialects spoken in those areas.

7. Regarding Phonemic Writing Systems

Even writing systems that are said to be completely phonemic aren’t completely phonemic though. Any (mostly) phonetic or phonemic writing system that is used to write a language that has multiple dialects/sociolects is guaranteed to not have a perfect, one-to-one isomorphism between the strings representing the allophonic pronunciations of the language’s dialects and the strings representing the writing system itself. Sound changes will eventually cause the pronunciations across the dialects to deviate from the more conservative pronunciations that formed the basis for the writing system. This can be observed across Spanish, German, Hangul, Hiragana, and basically any language that uses an alphabet, abuguida, or syllabary.


  • ll vs y in Spanish
  • z vs s in Spanish
  • How the middle consonant within tri-consonantal coda clusters is usually deleted in American English, even though that consonant will still be written in the writing.
  • <wh> is pronounced as [w] in most English dialects, although some conservative dialects still preserve it as [hw] or even as [ʍ] .
  • Hiragana characters used in Middle Japanese that are obsolete in Modern Japanese.
  • Hiragana yotsugana characters that are obsolete in Standard Japanese, but still present in some Japanese dialects on Kyushu Island.

If one does wish to create a suitable phonemic writing system for a pluricentric language like English, a good approach would be to use a completely different writing system. For example, someone could adapt the Greek or Cyrillic alphabets for writing English. Cyrillic has the advantage of already being known and used by hundreds of millions of people, however there would likely be a geopolitical stigma against it since it’s associated with Russian. The Greek alphabet is used by far fewer people, but it could also be a good choice since it’s widely used in mathematics, has more similarities to the Latin alphabet, and wouldn’t carry any significant geopolitical stigmas. If such an alphabet and letter-to-phoneme assignment is used, it should only make phoneme-assignments that are found in all or virtually all dialects of English, and it should add letters/digraphs that could be easily pronounced by speakers of different dialects with minimal differences.



To be clear, no one is debating that current lingua francas have already enabled race-mixing in regions where they’re spoken. The point is that a widely spoken worldlang could enable race-mixing between peoples who previously did not share a language in common.


I can personally vouch that training with my SLPs during elementary school helped to eliminate my rhotacism, sigmatism, and mispronunciation of interdental fricatives during my childhood, thus making my idiolect more similar to the rest of the English-speaking world.

Last Modified: 2025 March 11, 19:35

Author: Zero Contradictions