Philosophy of Geopolitics

National Security on the Global Stage

1. Introduction To Geopolitics

All competition naturally stems from competition for scarce natural resources. Defense, law, and order are the first duties of a state. Peace can only be secured by preparing for war. You can ignore politics, but politics won’t ignore you.

Soldiers win battles, logistics wins wars. Or perhaps even better: Soldiers win combat, logistics win battles, and rich old men win wars.

Nations have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

Friends don’t let friend declare war on their friends against their will. – Theodore Roosevelt

Youtube Channels For Learning About Geopolitics:

  • History Matters
  • Strategy Stuff
  • Politics with Paint
  • Caspian Report Geopolitics Youtube Channel by Shirvan Neftchi; I mostly recommend his older videos, particularly the ones where he talks about the geopolitical situations and goals of each country. Most of his newer videos since ~2022 aren’t very informative or accurate since he’s shifted to talking about speculative things that may or may not come true.
  • William Spaniel; This channel has good content about the War between Russia and Ukraine, although the content between some of the videos can get repetitive, and he also subscribes to this weird, autistic habit of drawing lines on maps as a way of negotiating land between countries, but this should be disregarded because it has no predictive or explanatory power, nor do countries ever actually think that way.

NOTE: I haven’t finished writing this file yet. I will add more content to this file some more when I have more time.

2. The Role of Geography

Mountainous countries are much harder to invade and control. They also often have the advantage of containing water sources that flow downstream into neighboring countries, and they have the luxury of damming said streams for hydro-electric power and/or as leverage against downstream countries.

3. General Geopolitical Objectives For Foreign Affairs

Countries strive to protect their economic interests, especially those of the elites and powerful companies.

3.1. Appealing To The People Versus Countries Abroad

When major government officials say things, sometimes they are appealing to their people (the people of their country or jurisdiction), and other times they’re appealing to foreign countries. When the country’s people and the people abroad have conflicting interests, these official comments trigger an uproar from the dissenting side. In general though, governments and officials are generally going to appeal to their people if they have to make a choice, since they derive their political power from the support of their people. There thus aren’t many cases (if any?) where a government official would say things that appeal to foreign countries but not to their people. A more effective strategy is to say things (or multiple different things) that will appeal or resonate with different parties, hopefully everyone.

A famous example is how US President Abraham Lincoln wanted to declare the Emancipation Proclamation in order to disincentivize European powers from supporting the Confederates (and hence slavery) during the American Civil War. However, Lincoln also had to wait ~1.5 years after the American Civil War started, before the Union finally got a major victory that would safeguard political confidence for declaring the Emancipation Proclamation. Declaring the Proclamation too early would’ve been less politically popular among Americans, when support for the war was falling in the North due to the lack of military victories and heavy casualties. Fortunately for Lincoln, he eventually reached a moment where declaring the proclamation was popular among Europeans and mostly popular among Americans.

Another example is how the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan publicly blamed the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan for the rise of the Taliban reconquering the country. President Ashraf Ghani understood that much of the blame was due to the incompetence and deserting ghost soldiers in the Republic of Afghanistan military. He also understood that publicly blaming the US withdrawal for the rise of the Taliban wasn’t going to score him any brownie points with the United States. But he had to blame someone for the collapse of his government, to appeal to his people and deflect the blame from himself and his own government’s failures. In this case where he made this statement, he chose to appeal to his people, rather than appealing to the US and foreign governments.

Another example is how French President Emmanuel Macron made some comments regarding China in an interview in April 2023. At the same time, there were also a lot of ongoing riots and protests in France, due to the government’s decision to raise the retirement age by 2 years. Macron’s comments on foreign policy accurately reflected his views, but they were also controversial. It’s speculative, but one motive for saying these comments could’ve been to create a smokescreen for distracting the public’s attention away from the increase in the retirement age. Even if that wasn’t an intentional motive, I’d still argue that it partially had that effect since most people generally have limited attention spans regarding anything political. If enough time passes and enough new events and other distractions arise, the public will generally forget and memory most previous issues. In this case, the foreign policy comments would’ve been an appeal to the French people and to like-minded European governments, at the cost of displeasing the US.

There are also examples of where government official say things to appeal to foreign countries. It’s natural and expected that Vladimir Putin would give multiple reasons for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He needs reasons that appeal to the international community (e.g. Ukraine joining NATO would threaten Russian sovereignty, there is majority support in the Donbas to be part of Russia instead, etc). And he also needs reasons and excuses that appeal to Russian citizens (e.g. Ukrainian Nazis, Russian and Ukrainian ethnic unity, etc). Not everything that Putin says to justify the invasion (or special military operation) is going to resonate with everyone. But the more justifications he gives, the more support he will get. That’s true regardless of how rational or irrational each of his justifications may be when they are each evaluated individually.

3.2. Foreign Aid And Favors

Foreign aid to other countries is generally a bad thing because it is altruistic and highly susceptible to corruption. However, it can still be strategic if it’s a political favor that wins foreign and geopolitical interests. Right-wingers tend to oppose foreign aid more than left-wingers, but they tend to be more supportive of foreign favors. This makes sense because doing favors for other countries tends to socially obligate them to owe you favors back. Foreign aid can be a form of bargaining and cooperation.

3.3. Border Walls

There are many countries with border walls against other countries around the world. The list in the external link doesn’t even include famous walls that used to have important purposes historically, such as the Great Wall of China or Hadrian’s Wall in England. From this data, it seems clear that it’s normal for countries and societies to build walls, especially if it protects their citizens from invaders, mass immigration, and other possible threats to the society’s interests. There are also news articles about it: The World Is Witnessing a Rapid Proliferation of Border Walls.

3.4. Protecting Trade Routes

Protecting trading routes is very important. Examples:

4. General Geopolitical Objectives For Internal Affairs

As a rule, foreign-born citizens should not have access to classified material, nor should they be allowed to hold political offices, especially when their parents are from unfriendly countries. As an example, a US Navy sailor who tried to sell classified documents to China was encouraged by his Chinese mother. There are definitely plenty of examples beyond just that one. I haven’t fully decided upon the ideal criteria for determining when the descendants of immigrants should obtain the same freedoms as all other citizens, but the criteria should be strict enough to prevent incidents like the one in the example.

Rules for Rulers - CGP Grey

4.1. Do Governments Represent The Collective Values And Interests Of The People?

Do the governments really represent the collective desires of the people? – Not really. The exception is when the governments have brainwashed the people into following their desires and supporting X or Y action. Aside from whatever the people may be brainwashed / manipulated by the governments, the average person only wants to do what they want and raise their families. The rich are still at the top, and the poor are still at the bottom. That said, it may be more productive for people to only identify themselves by what class we’re in, not by what country we’re in.

In a sense, countries are just sports teams. It’s just Russia’s government wanting the War in Ukraine, China’s government wanting to invade Taiwan, and they brainwash their people into supporting their wars. Corruption and the American Establishment versus the People. When the leaders of two countries fight a war, to them it’s not a war, it’s just a videogame.

  • The proxy wars backed by the Soviet Union were the turning point when wars no longer represented the people’s interests in the Soviet Union.
  • The Iraq War was the turning point when wars no longer represented the people’s interests in the West.

“When elephants fight against each other, it’s the grass that suffers.” – East African Proverb

Relevant: Existential Comics: The Rise of the Pawns

To a large extent, I do agree that governments’ decisions are less representative of the people as they used to be historically. But I also believe that even when governments do things that are widely not in the public’s interests (e.g. the US invading Iraq, or Russia invading Ukraine) that the actions tend to correspond to a vague, subconscious desire of the public will, which often relates to the country’s (perceived) national security. To an extent, the manifestations of geopolitical and foreign affairs are the formation of the intrinsic selfish, violent, and competitive nature of life at a higher level. Societies can only eliminate violence within a society by expelling it outwards, and many of the aggressive acts on the international stage are just manifestations of that.

Related: Bomb First, Ask Questions Later – Aporia Magazine.

4.2. Keeping The Military Industrial Complex Aligned With The People

See: Wikipedia: Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)

In 2003, the US government claimed that it has intelligence that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), as part of its rationale for the Iraq War. After the country was invaded and thoroughly inspected for 18 months, no WMDs were found. It’s conceivable that the government lied to the people in order to gain public support for starting the war and achieving ulterior motives (e.g. counter terrorism, securing Iraq’s oil reserves, geopolitical motives in the Middle East, etc). In particular, one of these motives might have been to increase the profits made in the US military-industrial complex. This one would be especially indicative of corruption within the US government.

It is true that Russia wanted to stop Ukraine from joining NATO and potentially putting nuclear weapons across Russia’s borders, but it’s difficult to explain the war through a purely geopolitical analysis since it’s so costly to begin with, and since Russia could’ve instead chosen to cooperate with NATO and the West, whether than further antagonizing them. Initially, we can recall that Russia was initially optimistic that Ukraine’s military would defect and opt to join Russia. This didn’t happen, but it’s difficult to fathom why Russia would’ve been so willing to take such a huge gamble when the worst case scenario (Ukraine’s military doesn’t defect) was so likely and costly.

It’s also unclear if Putin even supports the invasion himself. It seems that the Siloviki (basically the Russian Deep State) wanted the invasion to happen. Putin may not have had a say in it, but the reason why he asked the Siloviki for any objections on a national news broadcast right before he announced the invasion was so that he can’t be fully blamed for having started it, within the Russian oligarchy. Since no one objected, it’s implied that everybody in that room also supported the invasion. It seems that the invasion happened for a combination of geopolitical reasons and Deep State motives, but I can’t say much more since nobody has access to Putin’s inner circle.

Question: What can countries with strong military industrial complexes do to keep them aligned with the people’s values? The current MIC and deep state is motivated to lobby the government to start pointless military wars (military planned obsolescence), which benefit the MIC and deep state, at the expense of the people.

Perhaps it could be better if the military industrial complexes were managed by the government instead of private companies, so that they couldn’t be abused for making profit by personal CEOs. But if so, then there’d have to be some way to sure that they don’t go on reckless spending sprees, just as the other bureaus of the government do.


4.3. Avoiding Power Vacuums

The main concern with destabilizing Russia is the power vacuum that it would create. The first time Russia experienced a power vacuum, the Communists seized power. And we all know how well that turned out for the entire world.

If Russia has a power vacuum that deposes Vladimir Putin, how can anyone be sure that someone else in the Siloviki won’t gain power instead? And how would that be any better? It’s more likely that someone from the Siloviki would take power, rather than someone aligned with the West.

The most dangerous countries to destabilize are the nuclear ones. If Russia breaks up, couldn’t that enable breakaway states to get their own nukes?

Power Vacuums That Went Wrong:

  • The Bolsheviks seizing power during the Russian Civil War, and later creating the Soviet Union.
  • The death of Vladimir Lenin, and the installment of Joseph Stalin.
  • The USSR’s conquering of Eastern Europe, and installment of Communist governments.
  • The overthrow of Muammar Qadafi, and the Anarchy in Libya.
  • The overthrow of Saddam Hussein, and the rise of ISIS in Iraq.

If there is a power vacuum, anyone could win, even people who might dislike. In most cases, they are not worth the trouble they cause.

5. General Geopolitical Strategies

5.3. Neutrality

Switzerland, Oman, Mongolia, and Ireland are among the most geopolitically neutral countries in the world.

Typically, neutrality is only a viable and/or practical geopolitical strategy when surrounded by much larger powers, when favorable geography permits non-alignment, and when it doesn’t benefit the entity to side with one power or the other. For these reasons, neutral countries are often buffer zones.

5.5. Buffer States and Buffer Zones

Wikipedia: Buffer Zones

Wikipedia: Buffer States

Small states that exist because competition from neighboring powers prevents them from getting conquered:

  • Switzerland (also due to its mountainous geography)
  • Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg (buffer zone between Germany, France, and Great Britain)
  • Uruguay (buffer zone between Argentina and Brazil)
  • The Appalachian Mountains (historical buffer zone between the British-American colonies and the Native Americans)
  • France wasn’t partitioned up between the powers of Europe after Napoleon was defeated, lest any country that took over France’s territory could be become too powerful against everybody else.
  • Afghanistan (historical buffer zone between the Russian Empire and the British Empire)
  • Alaska (buffer zone between the Russian Empire and the British Empire)
  • Finland (historical buffer zone between Russia and various Western powers)
  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo (buffer zone between the British, French, Portuguese, and German Empires in Africa)
  • Thailand (buffer zone between the British and French colonial empires)
  • The Balkans (historical buffer zone between the Ottoman Empire and various European powers, including Austria-Hungary and Russia)
  • Mongolia (buffer zone between USSR / Russia and China)
  • The Eastern Bloc (historical buffer zone between the USSR and NATO)
  • Austria (between NATO and the Warsaw Pact); instead of partitioning Austria (as was done with Germany after WWII), both sides withdrew from Austria under the condition that it was forbidden from joining either military alliance.
  • The Korean Peninsula (historical buffer zone between China and Japan)
  • North Korea (buffer zone between China and Liberal South Korea)
  • North Vietnam (buffer zone between Communist China and Capitalist South Vietnam)
  • The Taiwan Strait, South China Sea, and the First and Second Island Chains between China, the US, and other Pacific countries.
  • Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet (buffer zones between China and India)

Freeing North Korea
There are two main obstacles to freeing North Korea: the Kim dynasty and China. If South Korea doesn’t overcome both obstacles, then North Korea will never be freed. If only one obstacle is overcome but not the other, then North Korea will fail to be liberated. North Korea exists precisely because it is a buffer zone between China and the Westernized countries of East Asia: South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, etc. So, if only one obstacle could be eliminated, then it would be better to first make China become Western-aligned and liberal. This would make it easier to overthrow the Kim dynasty and end it, once the regime loses its most important ally, the NK economy implodes, and the people rebel against the regime. If the Kim dynasty is overthrown first, then China will defend North Korea, and nobody wants to fight a war with China.

6. Thoughts On Specific Geopolitical Conflicts

6.1. Why Taiwan Is Worth Defending With Cold, Dead Hands

I am doubtful that China will invade Taiwan, especially since Donald Trump is currently in power (as of 2025) and JD Vance seems likely to succeed him. China also has little to gain from conquering Taiwan, and only so much to lose from doing so. But if China does invade, Taiwan obviously won’t be able to defend itself against the much larger People’s Liberation Army.

If Taiwan falls, not only does that country fall, but South Korea and Japan also become at risk of falling to Chinese hegemony because their trade routes flow through the Taiwan Strait between China and Taiwan. If China conquers Taiwan, they could block off Japan and South Korea’s national trading routes from the rest of the world, which would endanger their sovereignty and all the people living in those countries. With the combined population of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, that is ~200 million people of the free world who will be at risk of falling under authoritarian rule, if the United States does not intervene to defend Taiwan.

Additionally, if the United States does end up going to war with China over Taiwan, the US won’t have to fight alone. In the event of a war, India would definitely seize the opportunity to invade Tibet with full force at the same time to open another front in the War against China since:

  1. The countries have a contentious border dispute.
  2. They are strong enemies against each other.
  3. The best time to attack China is when they’re distracted with invading Taiwan.

Japan, South Korea, and maybe even the Philippines would also be strongly incentivized to defend Taiwan as well since it would be in their national security interests. And if China attacks the US, the United States could summon Article 5 of NATO. So not only defending Taiwan make sense in the name of freedom, but if China were to attack Taiwan, the odds would be strongly in favor of the US.

The Potential Consequences Of China Invading Taiwan
Suppose the following series of plausible geopolitical events occurs:

  1. China invades Taiwan.
  2. The US military defends Taiwan.
  3. India attacks China and invades Tibet while China is distracted.
  4. Japan and South Korea support Taiwan’s defense in order to protect their international trading routes through the Strait of Taiwan.
  5. North Korea attacks South Korea while they are distracted.
  6. Every country around the world picks a side (China vs the US).
  7. WWIII starts.
  8. Massive food shortages begin everywhere due to the disruption of free trade.
  9. The world faces unprecedented overpopulation due to all of the aforementioned.

This is a realistic scenario, especially amid the recent rapid growth of the Chinese military and increasing Chinese aggression around Taiwan. The Russian invasion of Ukraine shouldn’t leave the world doubting that China could follow suit and invade Taiwan whenever it chooses.

6.2. Russia, Ukraine, and NATO

6.2.1. It was Justified for Eastern European Countries to Join NATO

After what Russia did to Eastern Europe during the Cold War1, they have no right to complain about Eastern European countries joining NATO. Russia may not like that, but they’re just getting what they deserved. If Russia is upset that so many Eastern European countries choose to join NATO, then they shouldn’t have bullied and raped Eastern Europe for so many decades.

Russia forced its Eastern European neighbors to live under oppressive communist dictatorships for decades, and they all hated it. They were also so joyful once the Warsaw Pact and the USSR collapsed because they were finally free again. After the final stage of Russian imperialism, the USSR (and the USSR was very much a Russian imperial project) collapsed, its neighbors started flocking to the one organization that could ensure they wouldn’t get invaded again.

6.2.2. Understanding NATO Expansion

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine was provoked by NATO expansion. NATO is the one who’s expanding, not Russia.

It is technically true that NATO is expanding while Russia is not, but we need to ask: Why didn’t Russia similarly expand its geopolitical influence in the 21st century? The answer is that Eastern European countries and most of the world simply doesn’t want to ally themselves with Russia. When given the choice, they chose to associate with NATO, the US, and Western Europe.

The problem with the term “NATO expansion” is that it makes it seem as if NATO is aggressively pursuing greater membership and scope. It isn’t. So far, NATO has only gotten new members with the voluntary consent of the alliance members and the new applicants. NATO is a purely defensive alliance that hasn’t attacked anyone. Russia is an oligarchic dictatorship that attacked Ukraine.

Russia invaded Ukraine, purportedly because Ukraine might consider joining NATO (a defensive alliance). Ironically, the Russian invasion has only justified the decisions of Eastern European countries to join NATO in hindsight. Russia has a history invading its neighbors for hundreds of years. It was the vast history of Russian expansion that ultimately fueled all of this, nothing else. To blame “NATO Expansion” for the Russo-Ukrainian War is to be completely ignorant about the underlying historical and geopolitical context. “NATO expansion” is Russian propaganda rhetoric.

NATO already bordered mainland Russia with the Baltic states before the Russo-Ukrainian war started. In reaction to the invasion of Ukraine, Russia also now borders Finland and the Baltic Sea is almost entirely under NATO control, as of 2024. These facts reduce the credibility of Russia’s claim that they started the war out of fear that Ukraine might join NATO. I thus hypothesize that historical and cultural reasons are the more dominant reasons why Russia wants to conquer Ukraine. Russia probably also considered how invading Ukraine could build a land bridge to Crimea to increase its buffer against Europe. There’s also rumors that Russia planned to attack Japan in 2021, which suggests that perhaps Russia wanted to start a war that could make large profits for the deep state military industrial complex, since that’s one of the few things that both conflicts would have in common.

Related: Libertarian Ignorance of Geopolitical Realities.

6.2.3. Liberal Democracies Usually Don’t Start Wars, Dictatorships Do

NATO is a purely defensive alliance. NATO hasn’t attacked anyone. NATO countries don’t want to attack anyone either because nearly all NATO countries are liberal democracies (except for Hungary and Turkey). Democratic countries don’t like to attack people or start wars because democracies strongly value human life and Western countries tend to be humanist. Most citizens in democracies usually chide people who are in favor of wars by telling them to fight in wars themselves or to make their sons, neighbors, etc fight in wars. There’s little reason for Russia to be concerned that NATO would attack them, given the mainstream humanist ideology that prevails throughout most NATO countries.

Russia can get away with starting a war that is against its people’s best interests because Russia is not a democracy. The Russian deep state is not beholden to the people or the country’s long-term interests. Russian has a tight grip over all the media and information outlets in its country, and Russian propaganda has been effective in brainwashing most Russians to support the war.

6.2.4. What’s Best for NATO and the World

There are also many reasons why the US should want to replace the Russian oligarchy with a Western-aligned government, if it’s possible:

  • A Western-aligned Russia would increase the geopolitical security and stability of all of Europe.
  • Since Russia is the successor of the Soviet Union, Russia holds one of the five veto votes on the UN Security Council and has the largest nuclear arsenal of any country in the world. If the Russian oligarchy were to be replaced by a Western-aligned government, that would make it easier for the US to lead a global government.
  • Russia is the only other country in the world besides the US that reserves the right to make a claim to Antarctica. If Russia re-aligns, then it will be easier for the US to make a claim to Antarctica that is harder to oppose. The US has the strongest claims to Marie Byrd Land, which just happens to be the most colonizable region of Antarctica if climate change continues to warm Antarctica and make it more habitable by humans.
  • Russian airspace is among the most valuable airspace in the world since the country is so large and in a strategic location for airspace. Re-aligning Russia with the West would make it easier to route airlines through that airspace if it doesn’t violate Russian sovereignty.
  • Re-aligning Russia will be easier to access natural resources in Russian territory without strengthening the Russo-Chinese sphere of influence.
  • Re-aligning Russia with the West would be a huge blow to North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, other opponents of the US, and especially China.

However, we don’t want Russia to destabilize. If Russia did destabilize, the next oligarchy that seizes power is unlikely to be aligned with the West. It would be nice if there was a way to install a pro-Western government, but it’s unfeasible. It is concerning if anybody takes over of Russia’s nukes, and we should also be concerned about how the ongoing instability in Pakistan could enable the Taliban and other radicals to gain nuclear weapons.

Aside from a pro-Western takeover, the next best thing is a weaker Russia. Russia is an ally of China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, etc. All those countries are adversaries of the United States and the West, especially China. Weakening Russia would dampen China’s geopolitical goals, as well as their odds at winning a war against Taiwan, the United States, and their allies.

There are also corrupt and ulterior motives why the elites in the US want to give aid to Ukraine, like how it would benefit the military industrial complex to supply Ukraine with more weapons and equipment. But since the fall of the USSR, most of the reasons that the US and NATO had for opposing Russia were geopolitical, not so much for supporting the interests of the deep state.

There are multiple reasons why Russia didn’t join NATO. One is that Russia is so large that if they did join NATO, they might have too much influence over the alliance. Another is that the CSTO was created after the Soviet Union fell, and that probably made it harder to join Russia join NATO since it was already in a potentially opposing military alliance. An of course, there were already the known geopolitical factors for why Russia has historically been opposed to NATO.

6.2.5. Why NATO Should Want Russia To Lose the War Against Ukraine

There are several geopolitical reasons why NATO should want Russia to lose the Russo-Ukrainian War:

  • Russia is still an empire with an imperial mindset. It is the last European country to still maintain most of its colonial territory. The Russian head of government (Vladimir Putin) is well-known for wanting to restore the USSR. It is therefore in the US’s interest to weaken the Russian state.
  • Russia is China’s greatest ally, and China is currently the main geopolitical opponent of the US. Arguably, the Cold War was tri-polar (between the US, the USSR, and China) instead of bipolar. Although the USSR collapsed, China never did, so in a sense, the geopolitical alignments of the Cold War never really ended because there’s still two global factions competing against each other: The US and its allies versus China and its allies.
  • Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, which was a clear violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
  • Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 because they were afraid that Ukraine would join NATO, because they wanted more buffer space between them and Europe, because they saw Ukrainians as belonging to the same ethnic group, because Putin wanted a distraction to boost his popularity, etc, among other reasons.

If Ukraine wants to maintain their sovereignty, Ukraine can’t simply sign a peace treaty or ceasefire with Russia without security guarantees. If they do, Russia will probably just restart the war a few years later, just like how Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and waited eight years before invading Ukraine in 2022. If Ukraine signs a ceasefire or a peace treaty, they will only be worse off and have more people dead than before.

The conflict will most likely end when one side or the other gives up. If Russia gives up, that means that Russia probably either ran out of troops and/or ran out of money and weapons to finance the war. Aside from adding Ukraine and maybe other countries to strong defensive alliances, this will be the only way to ensure that Russia doesn’t start yet another war or invasion in the near future.

6.2.6. Russia’s Geopolitical Goals

If Russia manages to conquer most or all of Ukraine, it’s not guaranteed that they will stop there. There is no sense in allowing the Russian deep state to rebuild the USSR. It was hard enough and it took decades to defeat the USSR in the last century.

Of course, saying “Russia wants to rebuild the USSR” isn’t entirely accurate. In reality, Russia will never be able to rebuild the USSR in the same way as it originally was. A 21-century USSR wouldn’t be communist, nor would it bolster Communist dictatorships around the world. Russia has and the former Soviet countries have transitioned to mixed market economies. The Warsaw Pact is dead forever. The Baltic states of the USSR have joined NATO and the European Union. Turkmenistan has become a North Korean-like dictatorship. Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine each want to join NATO and the EU.

It’s possible that all that Russia wants is to continue being the premier and sole regional power for its satellite countries. When a country gets out of line, they squash it, to remind the others that they’re surrogates. When a country threatens key regions, like Crimea, they clamp down, again to remind everyone else what happens. Same when someone starts Russian suzerainty for NATO/Western designs. However, I’m still skeptical that Russia won’t stop its territorial expansion if it conquers Ukraine. Even if it’s true that Russia don’t want to conquer beyond Ukraine and Belarus, it still wasn’t justified to invade Ukraine since the war clearly doesn’t benefit the Russian people at all.

6.2.7. Why The US Should Reduce Pro Bono Foreign Aid To Ukraine

Most NATO members in Europe have not been contributing their fair share for NATO’s annual military spending for years. The US has its own government debt to worry about, so it cannot afford to subsidize Europe’s military at its own expense. Alternatively, the US could fund and supply Ukraine’s military in exchange for the mineral rights deal with Ukraine (the one that was supposed to be signed on <2025-02-28 Fri>).

Even though the US should want Russia to lose the war against Ukraine, it is pragmatic for the US to stop sending military and foreign aid to Ukraine. It will encourage Europe and the rest of NATO to increase their defense spending and military aid for Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is a much bigger problem for Europe than it is for the US. This is a necessary step for the US to reduce its military budget and to lower its national deficit.

Reducing US aid to Ukraine will increase Russian gains in Ukrainian territory. This will decrease Ukrainian morale and make it harder for Ukraine to outlast Russia, until European military aid picks up the pace. But this is probably necessary in order for wealthy European countries to take geopolitics more seriously and increase their defense spending.

Most political elites are not smart enough to prevent problems before they happen. Europeans won’t learn to deal with their own problems until they bear the consequences of neglecting geopolitics and military strength. It may also be necessary for Ukraine to lose the war before Ukraine ever has any chance of revamping its military and reconquering its lost people and territories, if ever.

6.3. Israel vs Palestine

I personally prefer Israel over Palestine for the following reasons:

  • Most Israelis have more civilized beliefs than Palestinians. Most of them don’t believe in Islam and Sharia Law.
  • Israelis tend to have higher IQs (and intelligence) than Palestinians.
  • Israel is a geopolitical ally of the United States and the West.

If it wasn’t likely that hordes of Palestinian refugees could start immigrating to the West, I would be fine with the conflict ending in Israel’s favor. However, Israel has spoken in favor of Palestinians immigrating to Western countries {(1), (2)}, since a genocide would have bad optics. For that reason, I oppose how Israel is handling the conflict. Of course, if Western countries adopted better immigration policies, then Western countries wouldn’t have to worry about this, regardless of Israel does.

Although I would personally favor Israel to control all the Palestinian territory, this is difficult to justify. From a realpolitik perspective, it makes more geopolitical sense to gain better relations with ~25% of the world population, than to support Israel.

The conflict is largely exacerbated by both Israeli and Palestinian population growth. Israel would have much weaker incentives to continue taking Palestinian land, if their population stopped growing:

Ramzpaul likes to say “every people has a right to a homeland”, but this is utter nonsense. What is “a people”? What is “a homeland”? Why would a people have a right to a homeland? Where does this right come from? What if two peoples claim the same homeland? How do you resolve that conflict? Does God come down as a burning bush and tell us whose land it is? The concept of a national homeland is the right-wing version of magic dirt theory. Societies acquire land by conquest, not by moral right. Both the Israelis and the Palestinians believe that they have a moral right to the land currently called “Israel” and formerly called “Palestine”. Both view it as their homeland. Both can trace some of their ancestry back to antiquity in that land. Over the centuries, it has been governed by many different political units: British, Ottomans, Mamluks, Arabs, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Babylonians, Jews, etc. Rights and obligations don’t exist in nature. They are social constructs. They are defined and imposed by societies. There is no cosmic good and evil. There are no cosmic rights and obligations. – Blithering Genius, Israel, Palestine and Moral Confusion

6.4. Trump’s Tariff Policies In 2025

As of <2025-02-02 Sun>, I think Trump’s tariff policies are a terrible idea, but we’ll see how it turns out. I think all of the critiques and predictions about tariffs that are typically made by classical economists will probably come true. Canada and Mexico have both vowed to issue retaliatory 25% tariffs against the US on 2025 February 4th. If the goal is to coerce Canada and Mexico to cooperate with the US’s new immigration policy, then the plan is failing so far.

It’s foolish to threaten relatively friendly countries with tariffs as the go-to action for negotiation, without seeking more positive ways of reaching agreements first. In at least one case however, the tariff threats have successfully coerced Columbia into complying with US policies, and I view that as a small victory.

If the tariffs successfully manage to economically pressure Canada and Mexico into eventually cooperating with the US on the new immigration policies, then I support them, as long as the economic and cultural damage caused by the tariffs doesn’t (noticeably) exceed the damage caused by keeping illegal aliens in the US. On the other hand, if the US ends up caving to the increased prices first, and the public pressure is strong enough to repeal the tariffs, then it will be a national embarrassment that the tariffs were enforced at all in the first place.

The tariffs proposed by Trump each have three different purposes. Protectionism is only secondary:

  • Canada: Pressure Canada to cooperate on border security and/or join the United States.
  • Mexico: Pressure Mexico to cooperate on border security and immigration policy.
  • China: Geopolitics agreements regarding China’s belt and road initiative, foreign influence, etc.

It’s wonderful that Canada capitulated on February 3rd. I was initially surprised when Canada announced in December and January that they would reject the offer to increase border security in exchange for avoiding tariffs, since that’s such an easy and common sense thing to do for avoiding such huge economic penalties. In hindsight though, it makes sense that Canada and Mexico waited until the last minute to back down and capitulate. Caving sooner would make them look weaker.

As of 2025 February 6th, the 10% tariffs against China are still going to be enforced however, especially since they’re lower and have greater public support. I still believe that these tariffs will probably have mostly negative consequences for the American economy.

6.5. Should Canada Join The United States?

According to US national polls, most nationalists and right-wingers (e.g. Trump) like the idea of Canada joining the US. However, I reckon that they would probably change their minds if they recognized how it would change America’s voter demographics. It sounds like a fun idea for the memes, history, and geopolitics, but the people of Canada are much more leftist than the United States.

If Canada becomes a US state, then Canadians will have to be granted voting rights, in accordance with the US Constitution. It’d probably be better to make Canada a US territory instead. Puerto Rico is part of the US, but they don’t have voting rights since PR is only a territory. Even if all of the illegal aliens are deported from the US, right-wingers could conceivably lose all or most future presidential elections, if Canadians gain voting rights in American elections.

Conversely, a majority of left-wing Americans want Canada to stay a separate country, so that Canada can keep its leftist policies (e.g. government healthcare, strict gun laws, mass immigration, etc). Ironically, if left-wing Americans recognized that adding left-wing Canadian states to the US could help advance their agenda in the United States federal government, then more left-wing Americans would probably support uniting the two countries. These political scenarios are somewhat related to gerrymandering.

The US will have to wait decades before it becomes viable, if ever. For now, a unification between the United States and Canada is pure fantasy. If younger generations continue to become more conservative, then Canada will become more receptive to joining the US. There would also be fewer negative consequences for the US, since fewer left-leaning states would be added to the country.

Would Americans reject Mexico from joining the US?

Yes, most Americans would reject Mexico from joining the US. Mexico has a different language, different culture, different genetics, drug cartels, more crime, etc. Eliminating the national border between those countries would make it easier for drug cartels and organized crime to spread across the US. Mexico is also more impoverished than the US, so unification would further strain the bloated and unsustainable welfare systems. Leftists would probably also view integrating Mexico into the US as “imperialist”.

Read More: What Can the US do to Halt Canada’s Decline? – Arctotherium.

Read More: Canada Should Not Be the 51st State – miles.mcstylez.

6.6. Some History Musings And Analysis Regarding The Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was essentially a Communist Empire that was a continuation of the earlier Russian Empire. That being said, it can and should be argued that the although the European colonial empires lost all of their colonies by the 1980s, with the exceptions of Macau and Hong Kong during the late 1990s, that the USSR was actually the last European-founded empire to lose most of its territory, since the USSR didn’t fall until 1991, and didn’t start losing most of its territories / puppet states until 1989-1991.

Although each member of the Soviet Union was called a Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR), each SSR was equivalent to a colony, albeit the colonies were not separated by oceans, and were all continuously connected by land mass.

When viewing the Soviet Union as a Communist Empire, and knowing that the Siloviki of the Russian elite still strongly adhere to an outdated geopolitical strategy from 1900 that focused on world domination by aiming to dominate as much of the Eurasian continent as much as possible, it becomes more clear that the Siloviki of the Russian Federation’s political elite are basically trying to apply a colonial geopolitical strategy to a modern world where nearly every country has advanced technology (and thus can’t be easily conquered without a fight, also depends on geography), where peace/influence/diplomacy are the usual norm in geopolitics, where many countries are allied with nuclear weapons, and where globalization makes colonization less feasible. The massive failure of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a clear indication that applying a colonial geopolitical strategy simply won’t work anywhere in the world anymore.

It should be noted that the Portuguese Empire held on to its overseas colonies considerably longer than other colonial powers did, and this was because the Portuguese Empire was ruled by a dictator who held an iron fist over the Empire, which didn’t cease until he died in 1974/1975. The Soviet Union was also ruled by an iron fist, and it didn’t fall until 1991, thus making it the last European-founded empire to fall in the 20th century.

With these factors being said, one can analyze that ruling an empire with an iron fist will absolutely help the empire last longer. This is the same reason why other countries ruled by dictators like China, North Korea, Cuba, Cambodia, Russia, Cameroon, etc have not fallen. Even though other regimes ruled by iron fists have collapsed, that doesn’t imply that every regime that is ruled by an iron fist must collapse, especially if said regime is very strategic and mindful about what it must do to maintain its reign and power.

Given the Sino-Soviet Split that happened in 1961, and also given that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) never fell after the Soviet Union fell in 1991, it can be argued to an extent that the Cold War never ended. The fall of the USSR in 1991 and China’s transition to a mixed economy during the 80s under Deng Zhaoping marked the end of the spread of superpower-backed Communism across the world, although some Communist countries like North Korea, Cuba, rebel factions, and remnant policies remain around the world.

Yes, most of the Communist countries around the world did collapse after the Soviet Union fell in 1991, but Communist China never fell, so the Tri-Polar World Order that had existed ever since 1961 got reduced to a (dual) polar world order in 1991 between China and the United States, which still continues to this day (2022).

There is also the great possibility that China and the Russian Federation will ally together to form an alliance of their own, which would be a continuation of the old Cold War conflict, but this time lead by China with Russia following behind as the junior partner of the alliance.

6.7. The Effects of Communism on World History

Communism is arguably the best thing to have ever happened for the US, since it crippled China and Russia, the world’s biggest competitors to American global geopolitical dominance. However, this assumes that a non-Communist China and Russia would continue to be as equally antagonistic towards the US and the West as in the current timeline. The whole Russia-West rivalry would never exist. Russia would be just another European country and there would probably be rivalries between European countries. Instead, we’d basically have a heavily nationalistic world.

If it wasn’t for the rise of Communism, then Nazism may not have become so prevalent either. The Nazis saw the Communists as their foremost greatest enemies. Much of the Nazis’ success during the early 1930s was due to the public fear of Communism.



Technically speaking, it was the Soviet Union that installed Communist puppet governments in most of Eastern Europe, not just Russia. However, the Soviet Union was very much just a continuation of the earlier Russia Empire, and many of the peoples of the constituent Soviet Republics didn’t support or consent to being part of the USSR. Russia was the main mastermind behind the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, so I think it’s fair to directly blame these Communist governments on Russia, rather than the USSR.

Last Modified: 2025 March 11, 19:31

Author: Zero Contradictions