Hello and welcome to my philosophy website.
My name is Zero Contradictions, and this place is a hybrid between a blog for my own writings (highlighted in red) and a compendium of external links to works by different authors that have influenced my own philosophy and/or are worth reading (highlighted in blue) as well as links to videos, channels, or audio recordings (highlighted in green).
If you click one of the links in the navigation bar, then the page will scroll down to that section (which will be in one of the three columns for displays that are at least 800 pixels wide).
The directory page only displays essays that I wrote myself, hence why it has almost no blue or green links.
Everything on this website is under copyright, unless specified otherwise.
If you want to report any typos or broken links, ask questions, give constructive criticism, make volunteer translations, suggest links to add to this home page, or make a donation, please reach out to me at my contact page.
As per its name, the goal of this website is to create the most rational philosophy ever with Zero Contradictions, or to at least do my best at that.
In a single sentence, my philosophy is based on rationalism and understanding the implications of the subject-object dichotomy and applied evolutionary theory, among other things.
Defining knowledge and what an accurate theory of knowledge must do. Explaining the problems with Naive Realism, Subjective Idealism, Objective Idealism, Transcendentalism, and Consequentialism. Explaining why Representationalism achieves what a theory of knowledge must do.
Philosophy requires that we develop a theory of views and beliefs, or a view of views. Abstract ideas exist to interpret and generate this stream of sensory, emotional and motor experience (semex). A view both interprets and generates semex, and this happens continuously and in parallel.
A Walrus and a Carpenter have a conversation that clarifies some common misconceptions about nihilism.
Free will is "free" in the sense that you are the cause. Denying free will is a paradox. Free will and determinism are both assumptions that are implicit in everything that we do. They both depend on each other.
Free Will and Determinism are best understood via subject-object compatibilism, spatio-temporal envelopes, chaos theory, and materialism / physicalism. Multiple definitions and arguments are given to clarify the main misunderstandings and implications of physicalism.
Ideological biases, peverse incentives, social circularity, and Naive/Fake Empiricism all cause most published academic research to be fake these days.
This sequel essay elaborates on the causes of fake academic research and other types of unproductive research: plagiarized, redundant, out-dated, and useless. My solutions for fixing academia are to require a minimum age, overhaul funding with a bounty system, and an improved social structure for organizing research, among other things.
Philosophy has become more important than ever since modern technological society has caused unprecedented evolutionary mismatch.
An explanation of propositions, truth values, different types of logic, truth functions, theories of truth. He then argues for the pragmatic theory of truth, which we don't endorse.
How to make people question and reflect on their beliefs in a polite, conversational style.
There is no scientific evidence to prove that people can be categorized as visual, audible, or hands-on learners. If anything, all of those mediums of teaching should be used whenever they're appropriate for the situation, and the public's failure to realize this has diminished the quality of education worldwide.
Repeated attempts, a valid consistent environment, timely feedback, and pushing the boundaries of our skills are the four steps to becoming an expert at anything.
How our brains automate much of thinking by using heuristics and long-term memory, and the key to getting smarter is to force ourselves to think through things methodically step-by-step.
How the Laws of Formal Logic are true, and how they are related to the practice of knowledge formation.
This video series covers important logical concepts, formal and informal fallacies, and sources of confirmation bias. It is very engaging, and I highly recommend it.
This post explains the Homunculus Fallacy and the Inverse Homunculus Fallacy, with examples of each. The author derives a lot of important conclusions about the nature of knowledge as he explains why the fallacies are invalid.
Everyone thinks inside a box, created by heuristics that our brains use to limit the complexity of thought; Why greater rationality correlates with greater individualism and free speech.
Since technology and evolutionary mismatch have greatly removed humans away from their ancestral environment, there are problems that humans are adapted at recognizing, and problems that humans fail to recognize since they are not adapted to solving them.
A description of some common modern examples of the hypocrisy of people who are willing to criticize other people's beliefs while clinging to their own delusions, followed by some insightful thoughts on cognition and value judgements.
Why foundationalism, coherentism, and infinitism all fail to solve the Münchhausen Trilemma, and introduces his own solution called Empirically-Grounded Coherentism.
Concepts are subjective if they are mind-dependent or perspective-dependent, including experience, truth, morality, etc. Subjectivity is not random, arbitrary, nihilistic, nor independent of objective reality. These misconceptions are clarified.
This is a classification scheme for knowledge that I came up with that I sometimes reference in my other blog pages, mainly because the terminology is convenient to use.
This video series covers some of the most popular puzzles in paradoxes and philosophy with some great explanations and visuals.
An Interesting Discussion on the Nature of Mathematics
The only ways to avoid overpopulation are mass death or low birth rates (population control). Overpopulation is otherwise inevitable. Once there's overpopulation, it's game over for civilization.
Reproduction licenses are the most reasonable and effective way to implement eugenics. Laissez-Faire Eugenics protects human rights and will be necessary to sustain modern civilization.
Addressing the common misconceptions and implications of race, race realism, race-mixing, and ethnostates from a biological realist perspective. Race realism is a scientific position that acknowledges evolutionary differences and does not imply racism nor tribalism.
Many of the rebuttals that are shown on this site are featured in the Counter Creationism Handbook.
This Georgism FAQs is probably the most comprehensive on the entire Internet, even moreso than my own. However, I dislike the CSS, some of the wordings, and many of the arguments that it makes or prioritizes when arguing for Georgism. It is remarkably thorough, but it could still be greatly improved.
Explaining the following and so much more: Addressing the problems, technicalities, and theoretical implementation of Georgism, natural resources taxation, and the implementation.
Demurrage currency could potentially solve many problems in society.
These are mostly intended to be a set of follow-up questions that people may ask after reading: What is Morality?
This document would be written and formatted better if I wrote it myself, but it does have comprehensive rational arguments for supporting gun rights nonetheless.
This website is maintained by a group of nuclear engineers that aim to educate the advantages and drawbacks of nuclear energy. It explains everything that you could want to know about nuclear energy. It's probably mostly accurate.
Libertarianism and Anarcho-Capitalism are unsustainable, incompatible with human nature, and they fail to understand the nature of freedom and civilization.
Objectivism faces the same problems that most philosophies do: it neglects the implications of the subject-object dichotomy, as well as the implications that evolution, biology, and game-theory have for humanity.
Modern Europeans are a product of three closely-related races and two major migrations, both of which brought huge cultural and technological revolutions.
China has historically had authoritarian tendencies due to its culture and geography, and it doesn't have anything to do with the country's massive population.
How geography, culture, and history have affected Chinese Civilization.
A lecture on the history, geography, and formation of India, as well as the caste system, Buddhism, and more.
WhatIfAltHist continues lecturing about the History of the Indian subcontinent from the Mauryan Empire, including topics like Hinduism, the social structure, the Golden Age, the Muslim invasions, and India's colonial history.
How the prehistory, geography, cultural influences, state formations, colonialism, and modern history of South-East Asia.
A nuanced review on European colonialism, why it was the way it was, its misconceptions, and a fair comparison of colonialism to all prior empirical conquests throughout human history.
The Visual Word Form Area suggests a historical instance of genetic-memetic co-evolution.
After all the large game animals were hunted to extinction, the Native Americans were constantly fighting violent tribal wars with each other for several millenia before the Europeans colonized the Americas. The absence of prevalent disease causes populations to be limited by warfare instead, which greatly reduces the potential for creating more complex civilizations. The Native Americans also practiced extensive agriculture.
It's true that welfare encourages single-motherhood. But many of the problems in the black family were present at the time of slavery.
This book explains the barriers to popular futurist technologies and ideas, using basic physics and economics. It deals with megastructures, space flight, asteroid mining, space colonization and industrialization, robots/AI taking over the world, the Fermi paradox, and the Star Trek worldview. It also describes many of the hidden dangers of modern technology.
This book debunks the Richard Dawkins' concept of the selfish gene, which situates biological purpose in genes, rather than the organism as a whole. The author presents an alternative theory of biological purpose that is more consistent with the evidence: the phenocentric view.
This is the book where Ted Kaczynski got most of his thoughts and philosophy about technology.
The Napkin project is an exposition project aimed at making higher math accessible to high school students.
The author of this website claims that this list of math textbooks is the fastest, most efficient way to learn mathematics and physics from the ground up, and that all mathematics can be reduced down to mechanics, linear algebra, and differential geometry. I haven't read any of these books myself, but I might when I have more time.
Search engine for shadow libraries: books, papers, comics, magazines. (Recommended)
This book debunks the Richard Dawkins' concept of the selfish gene, which situates biological purpose in genes, rather than the organism as a whole. The author presents an alternative theory of biological purpose that is more consistent with the evidence: the phenocentric view.
People ignore many aspects of human biology nowadays for moral reasons: the inherit violence and selfishness of life, sex realism, race realism, dysgenics/eugenics, and social/psychological realism. Most ideologies are therefore incongruent with reality.
Violence is inescapable from life due to the war, disease, and famine that are inevitably caused when a population reaches its carrying capacity. Eliminating violence within a society simply pushes the violence outwards.
People will use and define "altruism" and "selfishness" in confusing ways, but the most coherent definition of "altruism" always loses to the most coherent definition of "selfishness", energetically, biologically, and psychologically.
There is little evidence of kin altruism in nature, other than parental care of offspring. Altruism between siblings is better explained by the extended phenotype. There are multiple problem with Hamilton's Rule, such as the free-rider problem. Kin Altruism is a myth used to justify collectivist ideologies.
Explaining how bee reproduction works. Bees are not altruistic, and the primary unit of selection for bees is the Queen since all genes flow through her. Beehives are multi-body organisms.
How net energy flows from father to mother to children; and the evolution of exchanges of labor within human tribes (moral accounting systems).
Pathological Altruism is a phenomenon of collective irrationality caused by social delusion, and a virtue-signaling tragedy of the commons.
Competition in Nature exists between individuals, types/populations, genes/traits (metaphorically), and social groups. This essay talks about each of them.
Ecosystems and organisms always tend towards evolutionary stable states selective equilibria. Selective equilibrium can only be achieve when life forms are competing for resources against other life forms. Interactions between different life forms in an ecosystem can be positive or negative, but negative interactions are what ultimately limit populations. Life is easy only when an ecosystem is (temporarily) out of balance.
Describing how and why different life forms engage and evolve to use different strategies for survival and reproduction.
Society is based on cooperation between selfish individuals, not altruism. Game theory formalizes problems of cooperation, and explains how we can solve them. Understanding game theory is necessary for understanding society.
A narrative about the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, and explaining the rationale for cooperating or defecting on each turn.
This Javascript game is great for better understanding game theory. It's fun to play around with.
We can never escape from the evolutionary process that creates and maintains the human form. We can change the environment in which this process operates, but we cannot escape from the process itself.
Evolution has many implications about morality. The simplest resolution to the conflicts between evolution and morality is to discard morality, but unfortunately it is easier for most people to reject the truth about life than to reject morality.
Sex, death, and complexity are all linked. Death is a consequence of entropy and evolution. The dynamics of sexual reproduction force the cells of the body to work together, rather than competing against each other. This is arguably the most important reason why sexual reproduction evolved.
The key traits that set humans apart from other great apes (bipedalism, tool use, social organization, and a larger brain) are all linked to changes in the human diet and the evolution that resulted from it.
Some musings about evolution, memetics, and biology. All the thoughts in this file are grouped together under one page because I didn't have enough to say to make them separate posts in their own right.
r/K Selection Theory is fallacious and has no explanatory power. The second half of this essay explains how evolution actually works.
r/K selection theory uses misleading terminology and fails to identify causal mechanisms for observed patterns in nature. An analysis of the cause of deaths in populations offers greater explanatory power than Differential K Theory.
The Revolutionary Phenotype by J.F. Gariepy has many conceptual errors that arise due to misleading metaphors and sloppy thinking. This essay quotes paragraphs from the book and explains their fallacies.
Many of the rebuttals that are shown on this site are featured in the Counter Creationism Handbook.
Addressing the common misconceptions and implications of race, race realism, race-mixing, and ethnostates from a biological realist perspective. Race realism is a scientific position that acknowledges evolutionary differences and does not imply racism nor tribalism.
Blithering Genius argues why the environmental factors affecting racial disparaties are highly dependent on genes, especially since most people in the Modern West are not lacking any important environmental input to their development.
This four part series definitively clarifies, defines, and argues for the Hereditarian Hypothesis with an empirical analysis of reliable data.
Evolution creates reproducing machines, not entities with genetic interests. Cooperating with others can create a bigger machine (a society) that benefits its members, but every individual's participation in that machine is conditional and selfish, not an expression of a greater purpose. Racial tribalism does not fit the biological or historical evidence.
This page gives an introduction to taxonomy, Aristotle's taxonomy, the modern approach to taxonomy, and a clarification of how and why the phenotypes of organisms are the primary basis for classifying taxa.
This webpage gives a background on human taxonomy and explains how human races can be defined with K-Cluster Analysis with graphs and pictures.
Most of misconceptions about IQ revolve around misunderstanding what it measures, what affects it, and how it is calculated, but IQ is indeed a useful metric since it has predictive power for measuring things such as educational attainment, income, health, criminality, etc.
The evolution of modern humans, human migrations, and prehistorical human genetics.
SNPedia is a wiki investigating human genetics. It shares information about the effects of variations in DNA, citing peer-reviewed scientific publications.
This database and study used thousands of ancient and present-day genomes to track the changing frequencies of genes in Western Eurasian human populations. The findings verify that increased intelligence, lower body fat disposition, fewer psychotic disorders, and paler skin color were naturally selected in European populations over the past 10,000 years. The data is free to download.
Many human traits are highly genetically-caused, while being extremely rare and unpredictable, and not fitting the standard infintesimal model. Emergenesis is a proposal for resolving this: such genetic traits are highly nonlinear and non-additive (epistasis or dominance/recessive), depending on many traits simultaneously, and failing otherwise.
Most human traits are polygenic, and are rarely determined by only one gene. Many of the typical examples used to teach genetic differences in K-12 biology classes also have no scientific basis to back them up.
In general, if the mutations that cause infant morality generalize to other traits, then they should also be selected against in miscarriages/sperm/mating, which will cause their proliferation in the gene pool to decrease. If the genes do not generalize, then genes that cause infant mortality may increase due to a lack of purifying selection, but that will not generalize to intelligence and other traits. Overall, mutational load probably isn't a huge problem.
This three part series analyzes the premises, implications, and historical data relating to the "Spiteful Mutant" / Mutational Load Hypothesis. The MLH may partially explain the rise of Wokism, but it can't explain it for a majority of people. It's more likely that most woke people are affected by environmental factors.
This Wikipedia article talks about some ongoing selective pressures on the human genome. Most of the citations are probably true, but some should be taken with a grain of salt.
Natural short sleepers have rare genes that enable them to sleep for fewer hours without any consequences of sleep deprivation.
Do you oppose incest? Do you think it's okay to abort fetuses that have severe birth defects? Do you support improving the general welfare and prosperity of humankind? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you're a eugenicist.
This post gives an overview on the current state of gene editing research, methods, and the creation of stem cells.
This post gives an overview of the main types of dysgenics in modernity: the natural degradation of the genome under relaxed selection and dysgenics caused by widely available contraception and the modern welfare state.
A brief history of sociobiology in China from Pan Guangdan to reprotech.
Ethnostates are sometimes motivated by misunderstandings about race, and they would fail to solve the problems of modernity if they don't enforce eugenics. By comparison, a eugenostate would accomplish everything that a ethnostate could only dream of achieving.
The only ways to avoid overpopulation are mass death or low birth rates (population control). Overpopulation is otherwise inevitable. Once there's overpopulation, it's game over for civilization.
Demographic Transition Theory makes false assumptions, contradicts historical patterns, and ignores population dynamics. There are better explanations for why wealthier countries currently have lower fertility rates.
The conservative, leftist, and liberal perspectives on low fertility are blinded by their value judgments, which prevents them from understanding that birth control causes low fertility and other truths. The paradox of low fertility disappears when one understands that human nature is an evolved mechanism, and our values are generated by that mechanism.
This graph shows the estimated human population by continent, country, or region. The graph's timeline can be edited to show any timespan within the last 12000 years.
The Ancestral Premature Death Rate (APDR) is useful as a mental shorthand because it captures several characteristics of a population. It is directly related to ancestral brood size, and it reflects the intensity of the selective pressure a species was under in the ancestral environment. As a consequence, it also determines the level of genetic noise we should expect in a population.
The paradox of meritocracy explains why meritocratic societies often fail to be completely meritocratic in the long-term. There is a stabilizing feedback loop between meritocratic norms, genetic stratification, and genetic homogenization, and it's also affected by the fertility rates of the society's social classes.
Blithering Genius makes the case that mass immigration can break down social structures, cause cultural instability, weaken competitiveness with other countries, increase a country's dysgenics, increase unsustainable population growth, and create economic imbalances. BG also debunks several popular arguments in favor of mass immigration.
This satirical video explains what would happen if pro-immigration and pro-diversity arguments were taken to their most logical conclusion.
Why the West has Mass Immigration, even though it causes so many problems.
How immigration distorts internal mobility, and why it matters.
Statistics show that domestic migration flows shift the federal balance of power in the United States towards the Republican Party, since red states have better living conditions. If it weren't for foreign immigration, we'd thus expect the United States to become conservative. This hasn't happened because New York and California don't have to be better than Florida and Texas to retain national influence; they just need to outdo Mexico and India.
This webpage explains and calculates that immigrants have the potential to reduce or increase GDP, depending on whether they meet an IQ threshold relative to the recipient country. It also has a fun interactive map that highlights where countries should and shouldn't source their immigrants.
The founding of the United States created a country ripe with many freedoms, abundant natural resources, and whose location away from europe selected for innovative people who had to be looking for the best location to start their life. Those conditions have since deteriorated, in large part due to the Thermodynamics of Globalization. As of early 2025 however, many positive changes have come, and there may still be some hope for the West.
Wokism is a collection of left-wing ideologies that mostly consist of virtue signaling and claims that certain identity groups are systemically oppressed. Wokism inverts natural values, denies biology, rejects rational discourse, and is often allied with institutional powers.
This page features a response to Why We Need to Talk about the Right's Stupidity Problem by Nathan Cofnas. It goes on to talk about the origins and rise of wokism, the nature of discrimination, the origin of diversity equal representation, racial "oppression", transgender people, etc.
Wokism is motivated by emotions, mental gymnastics, and propaganda more than anything else. It's absurd to believe that wokism is driven by rationality. The justifications for systemic racism and demographics quotas have irreconcilable contradictions.
Humanism is the Post-Christian Religion of the Modern West. Soulism is another word for Humanism that emphasizes the individual soul and the human spirit. Soulists situate value in subjectivity. Worldists situate value in objectivity. Humanism is a soulist religion, which has replaced a theist religion.
Why the Humanist outlook on the world is vague, naive, self-deceiving, and anti-philosophical.
The 1960s were the main cultural turning point in the Modern West. The counter-culture was primarily a result of the baby-boomers' search for meaning after growing up in a stable, predictable environment everyday for years. The big problems of existence were relegated to obscurity again, handed back to the philosophers and the poets, and people went on with their lives.
This three part series analyzes the premises, implications, and historical data relating to the "Spiteful Mutant" / Mutational Load Hypothesis. The MLH may partially explain the rise of Wokism, but it can't explain it for a majority of people. It's more likely that most woke people are affected by environmental factors.
From a purely biological perspective, Feminism is a memetic disease that denies biological realities and decreases reproductive success. Feminism does not demand true equality of outcomes between the sexes (the West has already achieved that). Instead, it is a utopian ideology that women can use to claim power, social status, moral superiority, and moral credit as oppressed victims.
This essay describes how evolutionary mismatch and the abundance of information and art in the modern world have created a new environment in which humans pursue entertainment and behaviors that simulate the emotional responses of their ancestral environment, due to being emotionally detached (alienated) from reality.
Every emotion drives some behavior that is instrumental to reproduction. However, human emotions that worked in the ancestral environment are less adaptive in today's world. We can metaphorically describe emotion-driven engagements that have no reproductive utility as "masturbation".
Sections 2-6 and 26 explain most of Ted Kaczynski's theory on the origins of wokism, with section 4 "Over-Socialization", section 5 "The Power Process", and section 6 "Surrogate Activities" being the most important.
White identity is justified, even if most people oppose it for irrational reasons. White identity will be necessary to fight against anti-white identity. Promoting white identity is not illiberal nor anti-Western, nor will it intensify racial conflict anymore than the promotion of other racial identities.
This article presents eight examples of how the West's concern with anti-racism has gone too far, to the point of being counter-productive: cancel culture, self-censorship, the media's Great Awokening, responses to police shootings, hiding the race of suspects, hugging people during a pandemic, not profiling terrorists, and ignoring grooming gangs.
Humans are not fragile creatures. They are resilient. And trauma is almost certainly not a widespread cause of mental illness.
Murder rates are a good proxy for tracking crime rates for multiple reasons. Advancements in medicine have masked a colossal rise in crime and disorder since the 1960s. The best way to reduce crime rates is to lock criminals up, rather than viewing them as victims of society.
Modern civilization is based on rationality, but it's not rational as a whole. Modern civilization is akin to a forest fire that is growing out of control. Future civilization can only become rational if humanity develops a collective understanding, purpose, and a sustainable plan.
Freedom of speech is the principle that coercion should not be used to suppress ideas. It is necessary for social rationality. Freedom of speech is often censored by corporations, the academy, and lone individuals (e.g. doxxing, threats, etc). Politeness and tragedies of the commons can sometimes conflict with free speech, and the best resolution to these concerns is to have separate spaces with different rules.
The key to opening the Overton Window is to have good arguments and present ourselves as reasonable, intelligent people acting in good faith. This is the best way to fight the Culture War.
Brittonic Memetics: Rational People are a scarce resource. This article gives some tips on how to dissuade open-minded leftists from their worldview.
Brittonic Memetics lists some ideas for communities to combat evolutionary mismatch, and some recommendations for a community that wishes to survive if modern civilization collapses.
A Proposed Replacement Ideology for Today's Humanism, Religion, and General Nonsense
A really interesting discussion about how to promote better memetics and rationality for society.
Brittonic Memetics posulates the best memes for building an ideal culture, how memes compete for real estate in people's brain, and so much more.
Why modernity has made it harder instead of easier for people to find a partner these days. By abandoning traditional sex roles and norms like marriage, modernity has broken the dating and mating game.
Sex and love are inegalitarian. The breakdown of sexual relationships has created a sexual underclass of incels who can't get sex and love. But Humanists pretend that love is a magical, mystical union of souls that shouldn't have anything to do with economics or other social conditions. As awareness of the problem grows, it will pose a great conflict against the Humanist worldview.
Marriage solves (or at least used to solve) a major Prisoner's Dilemma and increases the stability of human societies and the genetic quality of human populations. This made marriage beneficial for human societies.
Until modern times, women were de facto owned by their fathers or husbands. Now that women have gained sexual freedom, female behavior has become maladaptive, and women waste their fertile years waiting passively for "Mr. Right".
Arctotherium wrote "Human Reproduction as Prisoner's Dilemma". This response explains some misconceptions and fallacies that are present in his essay.
Memes can be divided into Traditions and Fashions / Cults, based on how they usually spread from one person to another. This is a useful framework for memetic theory.
Genes and memes work together hand-in-hand, and different biologies will produce different kinds of societies.
Those who have lots of children will replace those who don't, thus eventually causing humanity to return to traditional gender roles and traditional ways of life.
Blithering Genius describes how fad movements grow, radicalize, and decline. Everybody wants to lead the herd, and everybody who isn't a leader wants to jump on the next bandwagon before anybody else. Purity-spiraling, radicalization, and declining growth eventually cause a feedback loop that causes bandwagon movements to shrink.
Human group behavior tends to follow a predictable pattern, and people who interact on a regular basis tend to synchronize their beliefs.
Conformity was a good heuristic for survival and prosperity in the past. In the modern world, conformity is now an unreliable heuristic because most people have maladaptive behavior, people can choose which social circles they want to conform to, and we're constantly exposed to artificial media.
Every social platform and most political system effectively function akin to skinner boxes. They give people the illusion of believing that they're free thinkers, when everybody's information and thoughts are actually being constrained by the designs, censorship, and social nature of the platforms.
YouTube had high connectivity as a social network in 2013, until numerous changes were made to the platform that reduced the propagation of information and centralized Google's centralized control over what people watch.
Forbidden Knowledge gives the illusion of power and intellectual superiority. Adding an aura of secrecy and layered information to a memetic system can greatly improve its virulence.
Rhetoric is a common tactic used by ideologues to replace rationalist thinking with rhetoric and self-righteous nonsense. The key is to use selective metaphors and phrases and portray the "oppressors" as having agency and the "victims" as having no agency.
Effective propaganda must resonate with the lowest mental common denominator of its target audience. It does so by limiting itself to a few simple themes that appeal to feelings and are presented repeatedly, in order to put a matter clearly and forcibly into the minds of the people. This video also displays footage of Hitler and Nazi propaganda for analysis and comparison.
The establishment media rarely tell outright lies, but they often lie by selecting facts, images, interpretations, etc. to fit a preconceived narrative. The narrative comes first, and everything else is cherry-picked to fit the narrative.
This essay covers the numerous social reasons why the death of George Floyd caused so much protesting and rioting throughout the United States and around the world, even though police brutality is so statistically rare.
Advances in AI are making deepfakes more abundant and harder to notice than ever in the modern world. This has serious implications on the renewed importance of being able to distinguish what's true and what's fabricated.
The supply of good ideas is likely finite. Once all the good ideas have already been claimed and published, i.e. humans have passed Peak Idea Production, there aren't many good ideas left to discover.
Parasites bring up interesting questions and thought experiment regarding values, emotions, and who we are.
Homosexuality is maladaptive, plausibly environmental, and it does not provide people with any health or biological benefits compared to heterosexuality.
The causes of (male) homosexuality are not fully understood, but one possible cause that hasn't been explored very well is intestinal pathogens. This essay details the reasons in favor of this hypothesis, and how it's more compatible with evolutionary theory than other hypotheses.
An overview of Sapir-Whorf theory, gavagai semantics, classical conditioning, selective attention, and examples where language influences thought and vice versa.
Language phonology can be modeled using set theory, string theory, combinatoritcs, finite-state transducers, and calculus-based statistics. When I have more time, I plan to make a major expansion to this paper to talk about more modern and complex models of phonology.
Maximum Enropy Phonotactics uses more advanced mathematics than Optimality Theory, but it also models language phonology with even greater accuracy.
The effects and implications of adopting an Universal Auxiliary Language (worldlang), and why it would be a better solution than universal translators.
Heuristics for recognizing pronunciation, spelling, syllables, morphemes, grammar patterns can identify the etymology of a language's lexicon with high accuracy.
The traditional system for classifying language typology conflates many different morphological characteristics into a 1D or 2D spectrum that does not descriptively characterize language morphology. I explain the more modern approach to classifying language morphology, as well as my own similar system of parameters for classifying language morphology.
Logographic writing systems draw their advantages from linking meanings to writing, rather than sounds to writing, as a phonetic writing system would. From a linguist's perspective, they both have their strengths, and neither is better than the other.
Heisig's Method is the best way to learn Hanzi and Kanji since it separating the learning process into two phases: memorizing the characters themselves and their semantics, and learning how to pronounce the characters and their various connotations.
Many foreign language teachers and English speakers are unaware that English has subjunctive verb conjugations, which is one reason why many English speakers struggle with using subjunctive conjugations in foreign languages. This page gives many English examples to help with this.
Lojban is a conlang based on Loglan. They are both logical languages that are designed to eliminate syntactic ambiguity by structuring their grammars according to predicate logic. In my opinion, the main tradeoff to these languages is their increased semantic ambiguity, due to their limited ~2000-word vocabularies.
Ithkuil uses a matrix of grammatical concepts intended to express deeper levels of human cognition more overtly, logically, and precisely than natural languages.
StateOfTheNihil gives a summary of the book, Through the Language Glass, which is probably worth reading, unless you have a linguistics degree.
Explaining Georgism and the Georgist Theory of Property, the benefits of land value and natural resource taxes, Georgism vs other economic ideologies, etc.
Laying out the foundational economic theory behind Georgism, and illustrating how unequal land distribution depresses wages. (Downloadable Infographic)
Government Policies Enable Rent-Seeking, Untold Economic Inefficiency, and Lower Living Standards (Downloadable Infographic)
How Land Speculation, Mortgages, and Banks Cause Real Estate Bubbles and Recessions (Downloadable Infographic)
A visualization of all the positive feedback loops that would result from implementing a Georgist Economic Policy.
The Georgism movement used to be fairly popular during the Progressive Era from the 1880s to 1920s. However, the rising dominance of the automobile, mortgage loans, Keynesianism, and the Cold War era Capitalism-Communism dichotomy all contributed to the decline of Georgist activism. And now we have to endure a century's worth of successive mistakes.
This essay debunks chapters 6-9 of Henry George's Progress and Poverty. It proceeds to explain an interesting and coherent connection between Georgism and Population Control. Both concepts aim to conserve natural resources that exist in fixed supply.
Market prices are circular because all prices depend on other prices. The best way to boostrap market prices is to appraise the physical inputs to the economy (natural resources) based on their utility, scarcity and downstream effects (such as pollution).
This Georgism FAQs is probably the most comprehensive on the entire Internet, even moreso than my own. However, I dislike the CSS, some of the wordings, and many of the arguments that it makes or prioritizes when arguing for Georgism. It is remarkably thorough, but it could still be greatly improved.
The Alaska Permanent Fund is an example of how Natural Resource Taxation can be used to fund governments.
Current projections show that there won't be enough of the required resources for humanity's future at the current rate of use and growth of population. The mining efficiency of many important metals has been dropping every decade.
A community platform that elevates tenant voices to promote landlord accountability. You can rate everything from laundromats to legal firms. It's about time we rated landlords.
Currency originated because it was necessary for complex societies to have a common medium of exchange.
This site has a lot of graphs and metrics that changed radically after 1971, the same year that the US ended the gold standard.
Silvio Gesell was a German-Argentinian entrepreneur and economist. He believed that the medium of exchange and wealth storage functions of money are imcompatible with each other, so he proposed money that expires, which would cause money to only function as a medium of exchange. His proposal was tried in some towns during the Great Depression, and each attempt was a local success.
These sites have more information on the Gesellian philosophy of economics.
Demurrage currency could potentially solve many problems in society.
Fake wealth is an illusion created by hype and the fallacy of composition. This played into the rise and fall of FTX.
Our current economic system is unsustainable. This playlist explains why the West is destined for eventual debt defaults and hyperinflation, and the challenges of peak cheap oil and resource scarcity.
The stock market always has winners and losers, whether stock prices go up or down. The flow of money is bootstrapped by debt.
The average American will lose between $5,000 and $14,000 annually by 2054 due to the burden of the growing national debt.
The hierarchy of pyramid schemes operating within the world's economies, including but not limited to: stock market/housing/soveign debt bubbles, to unsustainable government debt and deficits, to declining economic and population growth.
Western economies are currently much worse off than the media would have us believe (as of 2024). The cost of living, rent, mental health, and general health are the worse they've ever been in American history. Western society has done everything it could to lower wages: bringing women into the workforce, mass immigration, mass automation, globalization, population growth, etc.
GDP is not a very good measure of economic output, and the real purchasing power has probably been declining since the late 1990s or early 2000s, but masked by housing stock market bubbles.
Planned Obsolscence is one of Capitalism's greatest flaws, and a strong reason to support FOSS software, the right to repair, and other government-enforced game-theoretical solutions.
Why patents stifle innovation and market competition, instead of encouraging either of those things.
TL;DW: The best way to fix the patent system would be to create a system where the government rewards innovators with one-time monetary prizes instead. This is yet another major game-theoretic problem that would be best solved by practical government policies.
David Graeber's Bullshit Jobs is Western-centric, it doesn't address rent-seeking or broken incentives in Academia, and it doesn't have any solutions to the problems with UBI. Most importantly, it doesn't propose any solutions to problems of cooperation.
GDP is only a measurement of planned obsolescence and how reliant a place or country is on the global economy. Self-sufficiency has a GDP of $0, whereas wasteful consumerism has an extremely large GDP. This article makes a few fallacies, but it helps show why GDP is misleading and doesn't convey very much information.
This page has miscellaneous thoughts and musings that I have on economics that don't fit in with other pages. The main theme is proposing economic solutions for improving labor efficiency and preventing market failures, planned obsolescence, and monopolies. I also critique LVT-funded UBI and its effects.
We should view Capitalism and Socialism as complementary social technologies, rather than conflicting ideologies. Each solves different kinds of problems, and we should be discussing the best ways to use both Capitalism and Socialism to make the economy work.
Some simple thought experiments for explaining how money is created, how the economy works, how recessions happen, and his analysis of a commonly overlooked contributing factor to the 2008 Great Recession.
This Javascript game is great for better understanding game theory. It's fun to play around with.
Some musings for defining an ideal government's political philosophy and legal code, and the best solutions to the game-theoretic problems that every society must face.
Libertarianism is unsustainable, incompatible with human nature, and it fails to understand what freedom is and why/when it's desirable.
Anarchism fails to solve problems of cooperation for large-scale societies, ignores the implications of evolutionary theory for human nature. Arbitrary anti-authoritarian morals are not a foundation for a functioning, technologically-advanced, large-scale society.
Freedom only exists within a system of constraints: physical, biological, psychological, cultural and social.
This essay debunks chapters 6-9 of Henry George's Progress and Poverty. It proceeds to explain an interesting and coherent connection between Georgism and Population Control. Both concepts aim to conserve natural resources that exist in fixed supply.
Some musings about geopolitics that follow some basic principles and observed history. All competition ultimately stems from competition for scarce natural resources. Defense, law, and order are the first duties of a state. Geography shapes the battlefield. Peace can only be secured by preparing for war.
This analysis compares climate change with overpopulation, pollution, and other environmental problems. Climate activism is moralized, ineffective, and counter-productive. To solve environmental issues, we'll need to reduce fossil fuel consumption, switch to nuclear energy, tax natural resources, and reduce population growth.
This video presents a list of things that must be done to save the West. We must expand rationality, reviatalize the West, create a global government, enforce EPC, and create a sustainable financial system funded by NRT.
Singapore is the most well-governed country in the entire world (so far). Singapore successfully leveraged its geographic location, established a laissez-faire economy, provides affordable housing to its citizens, and enforce(d) eugenic population control and corporal punishment. While some of its policies have been controversial, I consider Singapore to be close to a Pragmatopian government.
Government, Big Business, Politicians, the Media, and the Academy all collude to maintain the social order and the Deep State.
Nearly anyone can understand complex problems when they're sufficiently broken down, but not everybody can understand more abstract concepts like averages and probabilities. Even fewer people can understand abstract concepts like exponential growth, systems-level thinking, or abstract modeling, including most political elites.
Rudyard Lynch explains and analyzes how different ruling elites yield different societies. Societies may be ruled by priests, warrior nobility, merchants, bureaucrats, or armies. Historically, an alliance of the nobility and merchants is one of the best combinations a society can have, if done well. Societies that ruled by bureaucrats tend to have abysmal technological and economic progress.
A local farmer details his frustrations dealing with bureaucracy, arbitrary regulation enforcement, and a number of issues. The number of regulations imposed on small-scale farmers makes their jobs almost impossible and unnecessarily expensive.
There are many ways how democracies can be rigged with corruption. It is a myth that democracy is the rule of the people, as the real rulers are the Deep State.
Democracy exists to enable societal compromises. My proposal is to overhaul it with a system that emphasizes meritocracy and sortition. This page also analyzes other reforms to democracy, First-Past-The-Post (FPTP), parliaments vs presidencies, different democratic procedures, redrawing state boundaries, and big tent strategy.
Technology and Progress have been largely stagnant over the past 50 years. We cannot transcend the human condition, and the biggest problems of the 21st century will be political and philosophical problems, not scientific nor technological ones.
1969 was the turning point for when major improvements to the human condition in the developed world greatly slowed down.
This page lists the main problems that are caused by increasing or adopting new technologies, as well as my thoughts on AI, peak technology, and speculations about the collapse of modern civilization.
An aggressive business strategy combined with political influence is often enough to promote an inferior idea far beyond a good one. Over time an inferior idea may grow. Growth of that industry leads to more jobs reliant on the continuation of that idea. Society starts to defend and even fight just to continue inferior ideas in some cases.
An overview of possible space colonization technologies, with questions and answers about O'Neill Cylinders.
An important paper written by martyr Suchir Balaji, showing that generative AI violates copyright and fair use laws.
If modern civilization collapses, the fossil fuels that powered it will already be all used up, hence the necessary energy won't exist anymore to restart it. The scientific knowledge, technological complexity, social complexity, and economic complexity will all fall apart if that happens. Modern Civilization will never recover if it falls.
This website is maintained by a group of nuclear engineers that aim to educate the advantages and drawbacks of nuclear energy. It explains everything that you could want to know about nuclear energy. It's probably mostly accurate.
This site shows lots of data regarding many different topics pertaining to human civilization. You can browse by topic for lots of things that may peak your interest.
There are four types of value. Biological value is what is good or bad for an organism. Psychological value is a mental judgment of what is good or bad for an individual, from their subjective perspective. Social value judgments are intersubjective. And philosophical value is defined by an explicit philosophical theory of value.
You can't rebel against your own nature, even if you reject it philosophically. You might arrive at the philosophical position that life is meaningless, but you won't act as if life is meaningless.
Family is based on love, society is based on cooperation between selfish individuals, nature is governed by evolution, and the cosmos are governed by entropy and causality. When people encounter a bigger circle, they often struggle with it and may reject it as immoral.
Emotions generate motivation, which generates action. Increasing pain corresponds to increasing motivation, and decreasing motivation correlates with increasing pleasure. We could call it Zero-Sum Motivation Theory. It has similarities with the Drive-Reduction Theory of Motivation.
Axiology studies the nature, properties, rationality, judgment, and ranking of values. Axiology has implications for ethics, game theory, and political philosophy.
The concept of utility is sometimes a convenient yet fictitious idea for thinking about value. Upon closer examination however, there is no definition of utility that can coherently quantify, measure, compare, sum over a collection, exchange, produce, consume, etc objects or actions.
In many cases, it's useful to have a single rating that works as a general measurement for multiple specific measurements overall. These sections explore the fairness, validity, and implications of this concept.
Morality is made up of collective values, individual internalization of said values, folk theory, and individual and collective moral myths and assumptions. "Objective Morality" is debunked as an oxymoron.
Moral realism doesn't provide a coherent definition of good and evil. In most cases, moral disagreements cannot be resolved by rational persuasion, since moral judgments vary so much between individuals, cultures, and societies. Morality is ad hoc, and evil is pervasive.
This webpage gives some good arguments in favor of moral relativism, and why it's a good thing that objective morality doesn't exist.
These are mostly intended to be a set of follow-up questions that people may ask after reading: What is Morality?
An ideology is a system of ideas that defines a social and moral dichotomy between us and them, good and evil. Everyone knows that the other group's ideology is crazy and that the other group is hypocritical, but they can't see those things about their own ideology and themselves.
Every morally self-righteous person has what's called a Utopian Ideology, an unrealistic and tribalistic belief system that gives its adherents a claim to moral superiority and the illusion of knowledge.
Most moral narratives revolve around Us vs Them and Good vs Evil, used by people for justification of their ideologies since the narratives fit their social instincts and worldview conditioned by the media. They are similar to Walt Disney movies, like the Lion King.
The moral framework of altruism does not lead to actual altruism. It leads to individuals seeking power through victimhood and eventual social collapse.
Morality generates a complex web of pretense, deception, and delusion, for both individuals and collectives. This resulting bad faith prevents us from understanding and speaking the truth about nature, society, human nature, and our own motivations.
Moral judgements about events are made by subconsciously fitting the event to some moral pattern. Multiple moral patterns can be seen in the Israel-Palestine Conflict, and this creates moral confusion for nearly every political faction.
Nazism is usually presented as a negative moral exemplar without any rational analysis. This essay analyzes and critiques the Nazi worldview from a "Darwinian" perspective, as well as the popular moral narrative about the Nazis and WWII.
In summary, Efilism relies on four assumptions: hedonism, altruism, assymetry of pain and pleasure, and life is violent.
Adam Lanza was the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter. His secret Youtube channel revealed his intentions when it was discovered in September 2021. His personal philosophy (Eulavism, value spelled backwards) had similarities to Efilism, Antinatalism, and Anarcho-Primitivism, but it was also uniquely different, and emphasized a hatred for culture.
Efilism is self-defeating and unlikely to succeed. The Efilist mindset is based on ignorance, rhetoric, and unquestioned assumptions like hedonism and altruism.
This book has some very well-thought-out and epistemologically sound studying advice. The principles in this book can be used to learn anything more efficiently. It's worth reading even for people who don't plan on becoming actuaries.
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is a lifestyle movement for people with the goal of gaining financial independence and retiring far earlier than traditional budgets and retirement plans would permit, through a program of extreme savings and investment. See also: FIRE Movement - Wikipedia
This video explains what is probably the best or easiest way to gain power or do career advancement.
We tend to underestimate the role that luck plays in success, but much of it is out of our control, and a degree of hard work is necessary to get anywhere in life.
These videos are incredible. They mainly feature metanalyses on nutrition topics, interviews with nutritional scientists, and responses/refutations to "health" influencers. Chris MacAskil has read hundreds of books and studies on nutrition, and he first gained his interest in the subject when he met Jack LaLlane.
I use the Colemak keyboard layout, a ZSA Moonlander keyboard, Linux Mint Xfce, GNU Doom-Emacs, and FOSS software whenever possible. I argue that Emacs offers the best brain-computer integration experience there is, with our current technology.
The evolution of my personal philosophy over the years.
My response to RatWiki's Pragmatosphere Article, as written by LiamM32 / Electric-Gecko.
One of the reasons why this blog doesn't have a comments section.
The rational approach to living in fire-prone ecosystems is to accept that fire is part of the natural cycle and create low-fuel areas around human habitation, by clearing/thinning forest and doing controlled burns. The polar bear population has been increasing, and is not threatened by global warming.
This video starts off with explaining the Chinese Student Crisis, and it explains the issues with college rankings at the end.
Rankings for things like "Best Places to Live" are bogus. They use arbitrary criteria, they don't consider different demographics or preferences, and they change every single year.
A global repository for research into the collateral effects of the COVID-19 lockdown measures.
Quarantines have successfully contained many diseases. They could've contained COVID-19 during its earliest stages, but it's dubious that they would've worked as late as March 2020.
Someone tried to persuade me to switch to the carnivore diet, so I wrote this essay as a rebuttal.
Orthotropics is a superior alternative to orthodontics because it directly addresses the causes of malocclusions, rather than the symptoms. Orthotropics also doesn't require surgeries nor does it cause facial damage.
Most modern shoes cram the toes of our feet into pointy toe boxes. This ruins the natural shape of our feet, it atrophies the muscles for moving our toes sideways, and it negatively affects the muscles that we use to walk. Everybody realizes that foot-binding is bad, but we don't realize that we've been micro-dosing it.
1MB Club is a growing collection of performance-focused web pages weighing less than 1 megabyte. This projects aims to promote the improvement of performance, accessibility, and user experience across the Internet.
Wiby is a search engine for hobbyist websites with simpler designs that often can't be found using more common search engines. The benefits of Wiby are described on its about page.
How to not get doxed and how to encrypt your hardware.
A list of tools that you can use to increase your online privacy
A website that summarizes other websites' Terms of Services.
If humanity had to start over and decide the best standards, units, and measurements for everything in an ideal world, these are what I'd propose.